I Am Yours

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I had been home for a month. The rest of the time I had been there went smoothly. I ended up talking to Ben and telling him that I didn’t like him the way he liked me, but was hoping we could still be friends. He had said that was fine with him, but he ended up keeping his distance from me for the rest of the tour. Balz told me that when I wasn’t there Chris almost punched Ben, so I guess Ben decided to play it safe and just stay away completely not that I blame him.

I was happy to be home. I had actually missed work a bit. I missed Holly and Taylor especially. Today I was especially happy because Motionless In White had just finished their month long European tour two days ago and would be home in about an hour. Chris had told me he’s be over as soon as he could. He wanted to stop by his apartment to drop off his bags before he drove over here. 

I had literally been counting down to this day all month. Even if I was away from Chris for a day, I missed him. There was just something about him that made me need to be around him. Phone calls barely cut it. I had no idea what I was going to do when they went on another three month tour. I think I might end up dead by the end. Touring was truly the only downfall to having a boyfriend in a band.

“When’s Chris suppose to be here?” Holly questioned curiously. She still thought it was awesome Chris Motionless was coming over our apartment. She was easily impressed to say the least.

“About an hour,” I replied trying my best to hide my excitement. Seeing my boyfriend was literally the highlight of my month. So many people take seeing their loved ones every day for granted and I had been one of those people before I met Chris.

The next was pure torture. All I wanted to do was be in his arms again. I missed his touch, his face, his everything. Just on time, there was a knock on the door. I looked through the peephole before flinging the door open. Having learned my lesson before, I never opened the door unless I was absolutely positive I knew who it was. I did NOT need someone unwelcome coming in our apartment again.

“Chris!” I exclaimed throwing my arm around his neck. I felt his long, thin, tattooed arms around me waist and pull me closer to him. 

“I missed you,” I heard him whisper in my ear still holding me close. I never wanted to let him go. I wanted to freeze this moment in time so he would never leave.

“I missed you, too,” I replied quietly. To be honest, I didn’t even know it was possible to miss someone this much until I met Chris.


All week I had really been looking forward to going home. Really, I had been looking forward to seeing Marietta. Home was fine. It was nothing special, but Marietta was something special. I still didn’t know how I was able to get by without seeing her for so long.

When Balz and I were dropped off at our apartment, I practically threw my stuff in the door and ran back down to my car. I had told Marietta I’d be at her place as soon as I put my bags in my apartment and since that was done I wanted to get over there. I wasn’t sure if I could take this anymore. I needed to see her.

When I pulled up, I ran up the stairs to her level. I practically ran over an old lady when I was just two doors away. She gave me a disgusted look. Old people rarely like me or any of Motionless for that matter. I knocked on the door and waited impatiently. A few moments later the door swung open and there stood Marietta. She looked just the same as always. Her dark wavy hair perfectly framed her face, her big brown eyes staring up at me, and that amazing smile plastered on her face. 

I pulled her into happy hug. I just needed to feel her skin against mine; to know that she was really standing in front of me. “Chris!” she exclaimed as I scooped her up in my arms. She wrapped her arms around my neck happily.

“I missed you,” I whispered into her hair. It was more me thinking out loud than anything else, but it was so true. I had missed her more than imaginable.

“I missed you, too,” I heard her respond lightly. It was just barely audible, but I heard it. I heard her sweet voice telling me that she missed me.

I then pulled away where I still had my arms around her, but I could see her. I looked into those amazing eyes for a long time trying to bottle this feeling in my mind. Finally, I laid my lips on hers and softly pressed them against hers. She kissed me back longingly. We had been waiting too long to kiss each other. We stood in the hallway for a pretty long time kissing and only stopping to come up for air. I didn’t even care when I heard people pass us. All that mattered was that she was in my arms again and I loved her.

After someone asked us to stop kissing in the hallway because she was didn’t think it was appropriate for her children to be ‘seeing such things’ as she put it. Some people really coddle there kids too much. I mean, people kiss, get over it. 

Anyway, Marietta took my hand and led me into her apartment and sat me down on the couch next to her. “How was Europe?” she questioned excitedly as if she hadn’t been born there and she hadn’t visited her family there a bunch of times. 

“Really good. It’s always nice going there since we don’t tour there as much as we do here,” I replied smiling. I really did like touring in other countries. Despite the language barrier, it was so cool getting to see all the new places.

“Next time you go to Italy, I’m gonna teach you more Italian,” she told me with a grin. She had attempted to teach me some Italian before we left since Italy was one of our stops, but hadn’t been successful to say the least.

“Good luck with that,” I replied with a film of sarcasm over my voice. Her grin only widened as she was probably remembering her trying to teach me how to say ‘where’s the bathroom?’ and other common Italian phrase. It had truly been a disaster.

We spent the rest of the day just talking and hanging out and being with each other. At about midnight, she fell asleep while we were watching a movie. I could feel her breathing change and when I looked down her eyelids were shut. With a smile, I reached over and turned off the TV.

I quietly picked her up just like I had on tour and carried her into her bedroom. I gently rested her down on her bed and settled in next to her. There was no way I was leaving while she was asleep. I probably would’ve spent the night anyway. I was never leaving her. Not when she was asleep, not when she was awake. I wanted to be with her forever no matter what.

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