Hard To Let Go

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The rest of the week was amazing. I went out with Chris almost everyday unless I had to work. I had become almost completely comfortable around, which kind of scared me since I was only really comfortable around Holly and that had taken my whole twenty-six years of existence. I was really trying to soak up the time I had with Chris. I knew that all too soon he would have to leave on tour. I seriously didn’t know how he could cope with touring so much. Anyway, he hadn’t said anything about when he was going to leave, but I looked it up online it their next tour date was about a week away. When he planned to tell me was beyond me, so I thought I better bring it up.

“So, when are you guys leaving for tour?” I questioned. We had been hanging out at his apartment all day since I had off and Balz had went somewhere. It was really nice that it was just the two of talking instead of being in a crowded restaurant.

“Um, we’re leaving Thursday and the first show is Friday,” he replied obviously not wanting to bring up the subject. His usually happy face fell. He had told me that he liked touring because he loved what he did, but right then he didn’t seem very psyched about leaving.

“Ok. I saw online that the first show was Friday. I just didn’t know when you were leaving,” I told him. I really didn’t want him to leave. We had barely gotten to know each and now he would be gone by the end of the week. It sucked.

“I meant to tell you, but there was never really a good time,” he responded looking apologetic. I wasn’t mad at him for not telling me. I mean, I wish I didn’t have to be the one to bring it up, but I didn’t really care.

My only real problem with Chris leaving was that I kept thinking what if he found someone else while on tour? I certainly didn’t plan to date anyone else while he was gone, but we had only known each other for a week, so we weren’t really together or anything. We were still in that ‘getting-to-know-each-other’ stage. While I would love to be his girlfriend, we barely knew each other and I really just wanted to take things slow. Very slow.

“Um, Marietta...” he trailed off. He looked like he was trying to think about how to put his thoughts into words.

“Yeah,” I responded looked into his handsome brown eyes. He looked down at his lap seeming a bit apprehensive about what he wanted to say.

“Um, when I’m gone I just want you to know, I’m not gonna date other people,” he told me fiddling with the hem of his shirt. Well, I guess that answered my questions. He wanted a relationship even though he was going to be gone.

“I’ll be waiting when you get back,” I said after a moment of silence. To be honest, I couldn’t imagine being with anyone else but him.

“Ok, good. I just don’t want to lose you because I’m gone,” he responded looking into my eyes. The nervousness was now washed away from his face.

“You’re not going to,” I responded. Before I knew what was happening, his lips were on mine. I soon kissed him back and he then deepened the kiss. It was passionate and amazing. When he pulled away gasping for air, I was willing him to kiss me again, but he didn’t. He just wrapped an arm around me and we continued our conversation.


Friday came around all too fast. I was dreading saying goodbye to Marietta. It had only been two fucking weeks and I already had to go. I mean, I was excited to be playing show again, but I wanted to stay home with her.

Marietta said she’d come over before she went to work to say goodbye before we left. We were leaving at noon and her shift started at eleven so we didn’t really have much time.

At 10:30, there was a knock on the door. I opened it to find Marietta standing on the other side. She was all ready for work in her white button down shirt, white pants, and colorful tie. She gave me an obviously forced smile before saying, “hey.”

“Hi,” I responded standing aside to let her in. She entered and waved hi to Balz who was checking his bag for about the fiftieth time to make sure he had everything.

She sat down on the couch and I tried to send Balz telepathic message that I wanted him to leave us alone. After about three minutes of me staring at him he got the hint. “I’ll be in my room if you guys need me,” he told us and left.

I sat down next to her and put an arm around her. “I’m gonna miss you,” she murmured looking up at me. Her eyes were filled with sadness. I started to play with her beautiful dark hair. 

"I'm gonna miss you, too, but we're gonna text everyday and call each other and we can FaceTime and Skype," I told her trying to cheer her up. She just rested her head on my chest and sighed. I could tell she was just as sad as I was about having to leave. 

"I love you," I whispered. I practically shocked myself by what I said. We hadn't said it yet, but I had been thinking about how I felt about her last night and came to the conclusion that I loved her. I had never felt this way about anyone before even though we had only known each other for two weeks. 

She looked up at me obviously a bit shocked. "You do?" she questioned taking it all in. I looked into those gorgeous eyes.

"Of course I do. I love you so much. I know it's only been two weeks but I've never felt like this about anyone," I told her. She didn't look like she believed me, but I was being one hundred percent honest with her. 

"I-I love you, too," she replied after a moment with a little smile. She reached up and planted a kiss on my lips. This would be the last time I could kiss her for another month, so I gave it my all. I kissed her back as passionately as I could wish I could bottle this feeling and save it for the next time I missed her.

When she pulled away, she checked the time on her phone and announced that she should get going so she wasn’t late for work. We both stood up reluctantly and walked toward the door.

“Call me when you get there so I know you guys are ok,” she ordered. Her eyes glistened with tears. She quickly tried to wipe them away so I wouldn’t see them, but she wasn’t fast enough.

“It’s ok, Marietta. I’ll be back in a month,” I told her trying to calm down. I wrapped my arms around her tiny waist. She buried her head into my chest. I really wished she wouldn’t cry. It just made leaving harder.

“I know,” she told me after a few moments. She pulled away from me a bit and sniffled. She rubbed her hands against her cheeks to wipe her tears. She forced another smile and gave me one last kiss. I reluctantly let go of her and she turned towards the door. “I’ll see you next month,” she told me before opening the door and with that she was gone. 

I must have stood there for a good minute just staring at the spot where she had been. I suddenly threw the door open. Thankfully, she was still walking down the hallway. I needed to one last kiss; just one more. I ran after her and as soon as I could reach her, I put my hand on her shoulder. She turned around looking a bit surprised, but the look subsided when I locked my lips on hers. I felt her lips curl into a smile against mine. How the fuck was I suppose to get through a month without her?

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