Smile On My Face

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I guess I had been negative when I said Chris probably thought I was bad kisser. I must be pretty good if he asked me out on a second date less than hour after the first one ended. The whole day at work, I couldn’t get him off my mind.

“What’s up with you today?” Taylor questioned. She also waitressed at the Cheesecake Factory and we had been hired together.

“Nothing,” I lied looking across the room at my tables to make sure the costumers were doing ok. I still had another hour of work and I really just wanted to run out of this place and home. I couldn’t wait to see that amazing smile and hear his voice again. Even though it had been less that 24 hours since I last saw him, I kind of missed him. 

“Oh my God, is there a guy?” she asked excitedly. She looked like she might start jumping up and down if I didn’t tell her soon.

“How did you know?” I inquired trying not to laugh at her happiness. She acted just the same way Holly did. I could tell she was just glad that I was happy.

“No way. Marietta’s found herself a man!” she exclaimed getting some looks from the nearby table. I quickly shushed her as I felt my cheeks get hot. “Sorry, but what’s his name?” she questioned a bit guiltily.

“Well, you already know him and didn’t tell me you met him,” I told her shaking my head with false sternness. I still wanted to hurt her for not telling me she met my favorite band.

“Wait, what?” she questioned her brow furrowing in confusion. She obviously didn’t get what I was trying to say.

“You met my favorite band without telling me,” I clarified. I could tell she didn’t get what that had to do with me ‘finding myself a man.’

“Oh, yeah. I met Motionless In White the other day, but what does that have to do with you finding... Oh my God! Did one the band members ask you out?” she questioned practically screaming the last part. The same couple gave us looks and I gave them an apologetic look.

“Ok, first keep it down. The restaurant doesn’t need to know my business. Second, yes. I met Chris at your party and he asked me out. We went out last night and he asked me out again for tonight,” I replied trying to keep my voice down. I didn’t need my tip going down because Taylor couldn’t keep her voice down.

“You’re going out with Chris Motionless?! This is so exciting! You’re dating a band member! Oh my God,” she whisper shouted. She had a look of pure excitement and a huge grin on her face.

As I looked back to my consumers, I saw one of them was low on drinks so I excused myself from the conversation to get them a refill. Taylor still looked like she might explode with happiness. The last hour of my shift went pretty fast and at exactly five o’clock, I dashed out of the restaurant and drove to my apartment to get ready for the night.

At six on the dot, there was a knock on the door. I gave myself one last look in the mirror and fixed my hair a bit. When I was satisfied with my appearance, I ran to get the door. I had tried to get Chris to tell me where we were going, but he just kept telling me that it was a ‘surprise.’ I wasn’t a big fan of surprises, but I didn’t bug him about it too much. We ended up going to dinner at one of my favorite restaurants, but instead of headed towards my apartment building afterwards her went in the opposite direction. I tried to stop the panic from rising in my chest. I barely knew this guy. What if he was taking me somewhere to, like, kill me or something? Calm down, Marietta, I told myself. You’re over reacting.

“Um, where are we going?” I questioned trying not to show my concern. I knew I was over reacting, but I had after Andy I always tended to come up with the worst scenarios.

“It’s a surprise, but I’m not going to kill you or anything,” he joked obviously seeing the expression on my face. He gave me a small playful smile and I smiled back trying to calm myself down. I just really wanted to know where the hell he was taking me.


I had been thinking about where to take Marietta pretty much all day. At the last moment I had remembered that the local movie was having a horror movie weekend and were playing Halloween tonight. Marietta had told me yesterday that she loved scary movies so I figure it would be perfect, especially since I already had two tickets since I was suppose to go with Angelo, but he bailed on me to spend time with his girlfriend Kelly. 

As I pulled into the parking lot, Marietta looked at me with confusion. "Are we seeing a movie?" she questioned. She obviously didn't keep up with the theater's events. 

"It's horror movie weekend and I just so happen to have two tickets to see Halloween tonight," I explained taking the tickets out of my pocket and waving them I front of her face. 

"No way! Halloween is, like, my favorite movie!" she exclaimed excitedly. Her eyes widened when she saw the tickets. She grabbed the them out of my hand to examine them like she didn't believe they were real. "This is so fucking cool," I heard her whisper causing me to chuckle. 

We made our way to the entrance, I held the door open for her, and we went to go get popcorn. After I paid we headed towards the theater. It was already pretty filled, but we managed to find good seats. 

"Is this really your favorite movie?" I questioned reaching my hand in the bag of popcorn. I had quiet the weakness for movie theater popcorn. 

"Yes! I love this movie," she replied looking shocked that I even questioned her love for Halloween. I smiled at her expression. She had the cutest facial expressions sometimes. 

"It's my favorite, too," I responded. We just kept finding out we had more and more in common. It was nice to have someone to talk about music and movies to outside the band. 

After a few minutes, the movie began and the theater went silent. Throughout the movie, I kept stealing glances Marietta. She was smiling the whole time. I guess it didn't take much to impress her. Seeing her smile that much made me smile. 

All too soon the movie was over and we started to head towards the car. "That was awesome," she told me grinning from ear to ear. 

We got in back in my car and I started driving towards her apartment building. I was again sad to be driving her home. I wished I could be around her all time. When we eventually got to her building, I walked her to her door.

"Thank you for tonight. It was awesome," she told me reaching in her pocket. She was still grinning. I guess she really did love that movie.

"No problem. It was really fun," I told her looking into her beautiful eyes. They had this look of excitement in them and it made her look more gorgeous.

I just couldn't heIp myself, I had to reached down to kiss her. She tasted like strawberries and who didn't like strawberries? Her lips were so soft and gentle on mine. I never wanted to stop kissing her. She gave the best kisses. When I finally was forced to pull away because of lack of air, I backed up a bit. I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face. She had this effect on me. She always seemed to make me happy. I had never met someone who could do the same thing to me. She was amazing and I was so glad I had met her. I think I was falling in love with her even though I had only known her for a few days.

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