Just To Hold You

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All day I waited patiently for work to be over so I could see Chris again. He had slept over last night, but needed to get to the venue so they could start soundcheck. He told me after they were done he’d pick me up at my apartment. The venue was in walking distance from my apartment so it was perfect.

I had spent the last half hour after I got home from work getting ready. I decided to wear the Motionless In White shirt I wore when Chris and I met, black skinny jeans, and combat boots. Holly was still at work so I had the apartment to myself. I had been watching The Walking Dead on Netflix for the last fifteen minutes waiting for Chris to come pick me up.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Figuring it was Chris, I didn’t bother to look threw the peephole. I swung the door open ready to see Chris’s smiling face staring back at me, but instead saw the face of my worst enemy. His shoulder length brown hair looked like it hadn’t been washed in weeks. His menacing blue eyes stared back at me. His tattoos were exactly the same as they had been a year ago. He looked as if he hadn’t shaved in a few weeks, too. He gave me a devilish grin. Andy.

I tried to quickly shut the door, but he was much stronger than me and pushed it back open. “Didn’t you miss me, Marietta?” Andy questioned mockingly. I felt my stomach churn and my palms get sweaty. He just made me so nervous. What I had ever seen in him was beyond me.

“No, I didn’t,” I retorted. I was silently praying that Chris would come running down the hallway to save the day, but he didn’t. There was no one in sight.

“That hurts, Mari,” he responded. He roughly pushed me out of the way so he could step in my apartment. I was sent flying to the floor. I looked up at him with hurt eyes. How had I ever loved this man? “I see you haven’t changed anything,” he murmured looking around the apartment like nothing had happened.

I quickly pushed myself up from the ground. I hadn’t had to fight him off in such a long time. I could remember the last time I had seen him like it was yesterday.


“Marietta, get your little bitch ass back over here,” Andy yelled as he ran after me. I flew down the steps as fast as I could hoping to make it to the door before he could catch me, but I wasn’t fast enough. I grabbed my by my hair sending a shriek out of me and pushed me to the ground.

He punched me continuously in the stomach until I felt like I might throw up. He had always punched me in the stomach because that way no one would see the bruises. I could feel the bile making its way up my throat. Before I could stop it, it was spilling out of my mouth and onto his shirt.

“You little bitch!” he screamed looking down at his shirt. This distraction gave me enough time to stand up from the floor and run for the door. I flung it open and ran to my car as fast as I could. I climbed in and sped down the street with tears streaming down my face. That night I vowed that that was the last night that I would ever let that happen again. He wouldn’t hurt me again.

~End Flashback~

Before I knew what was happening, he was on top of me and throwing punches. This time he didn’t just focus on my stomach. He went for every part of my body. I guess he didn’t care about hiding it anymore because we weren’t together anymore.

“You bitch! How dare you leave me!” he yelled as I gasped in pain. He didn’t look like he was stopping anytime soon. I tried to push him off of me. I tried to punch back, but he was so much stronger than me. I really needed to start working out of something. 

Right before I was about to give up and let him punch the life out of me, my knee went up into his privates and it was his turn to gasp in pain. He hands went to grasp his balls giving me the advantage and making me feel a bit proud of myself. I tried to get up, but by this time, I was so beaten up that I couldn’t get on my feet. Instead, I started to crawl as best I could towards the door.

I was so close. I was feeling triumphant until I felt a hand grab my hair and pull me back the ground. I shriek of pain escaped my lips and he went right back to beating the daylights out of me. I could see a pool of blood forming around me.

The last thing I heard before I black out was Andy saying that I was an ungrateful bitch.


As I strolled up to Marietta’s apartment, I felt a huge smile form on my lips. I stuffed my hands in my pocket thinking about how happy I was to have her coming to the show. I soon stood a few feet away from her door. I got ready to knock when notice the door was open. I instantly knew something was wrong. I pushed the door open further and peeked my head inside. What I saw was like my worst nightmare come to life.

Marietta was lying lifelessly on the hardwood floor of the living room. A large pool of crimson liquid was spread out around her and her body was almost completely black and blue. I let out a gasp as I ran over to her.

“Marietta,” I said as I shook her still in disbelief. I was hoping her beautiful eyes would open and she would be ok, but nothing happened. I could feel tears forming in my eyes. How could someone do this to such an amazing girl? 

I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and punched in 911. I answered all their questions and was told that an ambulance was on its way. The whole time I waited I sat there on my knees next to my beautiful girlfriend’s body. She couldn’t be dead. She just couldn’t be. If she was dead, I didn’t know what I would do with myself. She couldn’t be dead when I had only known her for a month and a half. She couldn’t leave me now.


About an hour later, I sat in the emergency room next to Holly, who was balling her eyes out. Taylor was also there and the rest of Motionless In White was also there. They didn’t know Marietta too well, but since I refused to go onstage unless I knew she was ok, they didn’t really have much else to do. I was a complete wreck to be honest. I was doing my best to hide it for Holly’s sake, but it was hard.

Taylor had told me that Andy, Marietta’s ex-boyfriend had probably done this. I didn’t even know the guy existed before this. She had never talked about any of her previous boyfriends. It seemed to be touchy subject for her and I now knew why. He had abused her. I had a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that anyone could hurt someone like Marietta.

It felt like forever before a doctor came out. He was an older man and was dressed in scrubs. He had a sad expression that made me want to puke. He walked over to us and knelt down in front of Holly and me. Just by the way he looked at us I could tell it wasn’t good news.

“I’m sorry to have to be the one to tell you this, but Marietta... she passed away a few moments ago,” the doctor told us. Holly started balling again, but I blocked her out. It was like the world stopped spinning. There was no way I could go on living in a world without Marietta.

“Marietta!” someone called out awaking from my nightmare. I was breathing heavily and I felt like crying. It was only a dream. She’s alive, I reassured myself. I took one last deep breath before Holly, Taylor, and I made out way to the doctor.

“You guys are here for Marietta?” the nurse questioned with a slight smile. We all nodded. I could feel my hands getting sweaty with the thought of getting news. What if it was bad? “Well, she just woke up from surgery. She’s doing a lot better than we expected. You can go see her now if you’d like,” she told us. I felt myself let out a breath that I hadn’t known I was holding in. Just like that my nerves went away. She was going to be fine.

We quickly walked to Marietta’s room. She was lying on the bed fiddling with the blanket covering her. Her body was still black and blue and she was wearing a cast on her left leg. It broke my heart to see her like this.

As we entered the room, she looked up and a small smile danced across her lips. All I wanted to do was hug her and tell her how much I loved her, but I didn’t want to hurt her. From the looks of it, I would hurt her just by kissing her. She just looked so fragile.

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