Product Of Lust

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A few weeks past. It had been almost a month since I broke my leg, which sadly meant my leg would be healed in another month and it would be time to go home. I had tried to spend as much time as I could with Chris, but Ben was making it hard. He would find a way to pull me away from my boyfriend every time we were finally able to hang out. It was honestly starting to annoy me. I felt bad saying no to Ben, but I really wanted to just be with Chris.

I was sitting in Motionless In White’s dressing room that night while the guys were doing their meet and greet when Ben came into the room. I looked up from my phone to see him come in. I wasn’t really in the mood to talk to him. Don’t get me wrong, I liked him. He was nice guy, but he just wouldn’t leave me alone. 

“Hey!” he greeted sitting down next to me. He was sitting really close to me. It was almost uncomfortable. If I hadn’t been spending so much time with him lately, it probably would be uncomfortable.

“Hi,” I responded going back to my phone. Chris had just texted me telling me that he would probably only be another ten minutes or so which made me very happy.

“Can I, uh, tell you something?” he questioned fiddling with the zipper on his jacket. For some reason, this didn’t look good.

“Uh, sure, Ben,” I replied hesitantly. I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to know what he was going to say, but I kind of had a feeling that I already did.

“Marietta...I really uh, like you. Like, I love you,” he told me and before I had even comprehended what he had said, his lips were on mine. I was about to push him away, but that’s when Chris decided to show up. I pushed Ben away as the door creeped open. As I saw Chris’ tall skinny figure in the doorway with his face looking crushed a wave of guilt crashed over me. I hadn’t even done anything and I felt terrible.

I heard him mumble something inaudible before walking out of the room again. As he disappeared, my mind finally seemed to grasp what had just happened. Ben had told me he loved me. That explained why he had been trying to pull me away from Chris for the last month. I guess I kind of knew it before he said it. It was pretty obvious, but I didn’t feel the same about him as he did about me. Yeah, I had a fangirl crush on him since I loved Asking Alexandria, but I just thought he was cute. I didn’t have any real feelings towards him. He was my friend nothing more.

But, Chris was my boyfriend and he had just walked away thinking I had willingly kissed Ben. Shit, now I had to go explain what happened and hope he believed me. There was no use trying to catch up with him now, though. Having such long legs he could walk pretty fast and I could barely walk at all. I let out a frustrated sigh and started to get up.

“Do you need help?” Ben questioned practically acting like nothing had happened. He looked at me as I got up as if he hadn’t just potentially ruined my first good relationship.

“No. Don’t fucking touch me,” I snapped. I was just so angry at him that I didn’t even feel bad when his face fell. He knew I had a boyfriend, but he kissed me anyway. I think I had a right to be mad.

As I hobbled down the hallway, I noticed Chris was nowhere to be found. He must already be at the bus. It took me what felt like forever to make it outside and to the bus. I opened the door careful not to lose my balance and slowly climbed the three steps up into the front lounge. Chris wasn’t there either. I let out another sigh. 

“Where’s Chris?” I asked Ricky and Balz who were watching some horror movie.I usually would’ve been determined to figure out which movie it was, but that night I could careless.

“In his bunk. Is everything alright with him? He came in here practically crying,” Ricky answered his voice laced with concern. I really had screwed up, hadn’t I? Well, actually Ben had screwed up.

“Ben kissed me and Chris walked in before I could push him off,” I replied clearly aggravated. This night literally just kept getting worse.

“Oh,” was all Ricky said. He looked at me sympathetically. If Ben had ruined my relationship with Chris, I literally don’t know what I would do with out him


As I stormed off, I ended up sprinting towards the bus. Tears welled up in my eyes, but I refused to let them spill over. I knew something was up with her and Ben all this time and all I did was sit back and watch. I was such an asshole. I let Ben steal one of the best things in my life. Why did she even like Ben anyway? He slept with any female with a pulse. He’d probably sleep with a female without a pulse if he had a chance. He’d probably end up cheating on any girl he ever went out with. It wasn’t fair that such a dick like him got such an amazing girl.

When I got to the bus I flung the door open and went straight to my bunk despite Ricky asking me what was wrong. I climbed in and shut the curtain. I didn’t even bother pulling in the blankets over me. I just stared into the complete darkness that the curtain had caused. I suddenly felt so empty. Without Marietta, life didn’t feel right.

I sat there just replaying what I had walked in on over and over again in my head. The tears that had been threatening to spill over finally did. My cheeks were stained with the salty tears from my eyes and my mind was stained with the imagine of Ben and Marietta kissing.

Suddenly, the curtain of my bunk was ripped. I quickly wiped at my eyes so no one would see me crying. I looked up squinting in the light to see Marietta standing there on her crutches looking just as upset as I felt. “Can I explain?” she asked hopefully.

I didn’t want to hear any of her excuses, but I couldn’t say no to her. “Fine,” I mumbled half heartedly. I really just wanted to be alone.

“Ben kissed me and I was just about to push him off when you walked in,” she explained. Her eyes glinted with tears. Usually I would’ve been wiping away those tears, but all I wanted was for her to leave.

“Yeah, right,” I responded turning around to face the wall of my bunk. It was such a shitty excuse. She could’ve at least came up with something a bit more original.

“It’s true, Chris. I promise I would never do anything like that to you. I know what it’s like to be hurt by someone you love. It’s the worst feeling in the world whether it’s physical or emotional and I would never willingly afflict that on someone I love as much as I love you,” she told me sincerely. When she said that, there was something in her voice that told me she was telling the truth. She barely ever brought up something about Andy and I knew that was what she was talking about when she said ‘physical or emotional.’ When she said that, it was like something changed in me and I just believed her. I didn’t really need to know anything else.

“Promise that’s what happened?” I questioned turning back around. I know it was juvenile, but I just needed to hear her say it again.

“Promise,” she replied with a smile tugging at her lips. She held her pinky out to me. I took it in mine with a grin.

“I love you, Chris,” she told me. She made no attempt to pull her pinky away from mine and I wasn’t complaining about it. I liked the way her skin felt against mine.

“I love you, too, Marietta,” I responded still grinning. It was funny how all in one night I thought I lost my girlfriend and I had never felt so in love with her.

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