I've Fallen In Love

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“Hey, Marietta!” a British accent called from behind me. I turned around as best I could on these crutches to see Ben chasing after me. I gave him a smile as I waited for him to catch up.

“Do you need help?” he questioned as I hobbled along in the direction of the venue. I was kind of getting sick of everyone asking me that.

“No, I’m fine,” I replied trying not to sound too annoyed. Ben was really sweet and was just trying to be nice. He didn’t deserve me going off on him just because I wanted people to stop caring so much.

We were silent for a few moments as we walked. It took me awhile to get from place to place. So walking from the bus to the venue should’ve taken only a few minutes, but it ended up being a journey of about fifteen minutes. “So, how long have you and Chris been together?” he questioned suddenly.

“A little more than a month,” I replied. I was almost afraid if I talked while trying to walk on these stupid crutches, I  might fall, but I managed to retain my balance.

“Chris said you were from Italy,” he continued. He said it almost as a question rather than a statement. He wiped his hands on his jeans almost nervously.

“Uh, yeah. I was born there, but moved to New York when I was a baby,” I responded. To be honest, this whole conversation was a bit odd. It seemed like he was trying extra hard to talk to me the whole time I had been here, which had been a week.

“That’s really cool,” he commented holding the door to the venue open for me. I gave him a grateful smile as I entered the room. 

I immediately went to the bar and grabbed a stool. Not to drink, of course, but these crutches started hurting my armpits after awhile so I needed to sit down. The weird thing was that Ben followed and sat down next to me. I guess it was kind of nice to have some company while I sat back here.

“Uh, so where in England are you from?” I questioned breaking the awkward silence that had fallen over us. It wasn’t that I cared too much, I just thought I should show an interest since he showed an interest in me.

“North Yorkshire,” he replied. I had my eyes on the stage where everyone was setting the equipment up. When you attend shows you never truly knows how much work goes into making the show perfect.

I nodded not really sure what to say next. I didn’t really know too much about England in general let alone a single county. Luckily Chris came up to us then.

“You should’ve texted me. I would’ve helped you in,” he told me. I innerly groaned. More of everyone worrying and catering too me. I wasn’t the kind of person who like this type of treatment. By the end of this two months, I might end up hurting someone.

“I’m not an invalid. I can really walk by myself,” I replied trying to sound like I was joking instead of angry. It was hard, but I knew that if I got mad at him for carrying I’d end up regretting it.

“I know,” he responded quietly. I hoped I hadn’t hurt his feelings. I didn’t want to lose him over something silly like this. He shoved his hands in his pockets

“Did you guys do soundcheck yet?” I questioned changing the subject. I really didn’t want to continue to talk about this.

“No, not yet,” he replied shaking his head so his black hair moved from side to side. I couldn’t help but reach up and push it out of his face with a smile. He smiled back down at me.

“Well, I should probably go see if they need help with the equipment,” Ben said suddenly interrupting our moment. We both just nodded as he stood up and left. As soon as he was gone, Chris took his seat and laid a kiss on my forehead. I much rather be sitting here talking to Chris than Ben any day.


As Marietta hobbled in with Ben on her heels, I let out a sigh. I had told her to text me when she was ready to come inside so I could go out and help her. I was about to approach her when I noticed something. Ben was walking really close to her. So close his arm was practically touching her crutch. As I watched Marietta make her way over to the bar to sit down, I felt a mix of jealous and anger rise up inside me.

All week Ben had been making sure to be as close to Marietta as possible. He was always making a special effort to talk to her and sit next to her. It really bugged me, too. It was like with Ben always being around Marietta, I barely could get a word in. She was on this tour to spend time with me not Ben.

Ben sitting down next to her and engaging in conversation did not help my feelings. There was something about the way he looked at her. It was kind of the way I looked at her. His eyes were full of love and admiration. I tried to tell myself that he didn’t feel that way about her, but it was so obvious that I couldn’t deny it.

“What’s up with Marietta and Ben?” Angelo questioned his drumsticks in hand. He was eyeing the two curiously.

“I don’t know,” I muttered a bit angrily. It wasn’t even like he didn’t know we were together. He knew I loved Marietta and there he was looking at her like he was her boyfriend.

“It looks like Ben has a little crush on her,” Angelo told me raising his eyebrows. I was kind of glad I wasn’t the only one thinking that Ben liked her.

“So, you see it too?” I asked with a sigh. All I had wanted was for Marietta to come on this tour with us so we could be together and now Ben was getting in the way of that. As much as I like Ben, he really needs to back off.

“Well, it’s kinda obvious,” he replied. Ben was really not even trying to hide his feelings for my girlfriend, was he?

“What am I suppose to do, though?” I questioned hoping he would help me. The whole thing was bothering me to be honest.

“Well, you could talk to Ben, I guess, but that probably wouldn’t help much since I doubt he’s stop hanging around her just because you told him not to. I guess you could just try to keep them away from each other,” he suggested with a shrug. I let out an aggravated sigh.

“Like that’s gonna work,” I muttered unhappily. I was pretty determined to not let Ben get in the way of our relationship, though. I didn’t care how good of friends we were, he had no right trying to steal my girlfriend.

When I looked back at them, I saw they had stopped talking and decided to go over to them. “You should’ve texted me. I would’ve helped you in,” was the first thing that came out of my mouth.

“I’m not an invalid. I can really walk by myself,” she replied. She seemed to get annoyed when anyone tried to help her. I wished she just realize we cared about her and wanted to make sure she was ok.

“I know,” I told her stuffing my hands in my pockets. It wasn’t that she was mad at me, but I wished she just accept our help sometimes.

“Did you guys do soundcheck yet?” she questioned seeming a bit excited. It seemed to me that she had really been enjoying being about to tour with us. She told me it was like having an all access pass to the everyday life of her favorite band. It was still kind of weird to think that I was part of my girlfriend’s favorite band.

“No, not yet,” I replied. As I shook my head, my hair was sent shifting back and forth. She carefully reached up to tuck my hair behind my ear with a smile on her face. When her finger made contact with my cheek, I felt my smile grow wider. As I looked down at her, all I felt was complete and utter love towards her.

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