Sing Me To Sleep

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Chris left later that day. I knew he had to leave, but I still wanted him to stay with me. I knew it was selfish, but who wants to be in the hospital and not have your boyfriend there? I was let out of the hospital the next day after making my statement about what happened. It turned out Andy would be in jail for the next two years, which made me feel a bit more safe. I was still having the occasional nightmare where he was beating me up, but other than that, more bruises than countable, and my broken leg, I was fine. Unfortunately, I couldn’t work with the broken leg because I couldn’t walk without crutches. I didn’t have insurance since The Cheesecake Factory didn’t provide it and a boot was way too expensive, so I was taking off the next two months. Thankfully, my boss was really understanding about everything. When Chris had heard that I couldn’t work, he immediately suggested that I come on tour with them until I could go back and I loved the idea. I flying out to meet them in Texas today.

When Holly dropped me off at the airport, she had tears in her eyes. She had been crying way too much these last few days. “I don’t know how I’m going to get through two months without,” she admitted pulling me into a hug. I hugged back as best I could considering I had to hold up these crutches. When she pulled away, I could see a single tear running down her cheek.

“Have fun!” she called after me as I made my way to the door. I slung my duffle bag over my shoulder and hobbled away. I could feel Holly watching me the whole time until I got to the door. I swear sometimes she’s like a mother.

About an hour and a half later, I sat in my window seat a million mile about ground. Next me was an elderly couple who gave me looks the whole time. I pulled out my iPod and turned on Infamous in an attempt to take my mind off them. Chris’ voice immediately calmed me down. That was one of the perks of having your boyfriend be the lead singer of a band: you could always hear his voice just by putting on your iPod.

I leaned against the window as I watched the puffy clouds go by and let out a sigh. I was suddenly reminded of Chris telling me he hates flying and I felt a smile appear on my face. I couldn’t wait to land and have him waiting there for me. It had only been a few days, but I really missed him.

Suddenly, there was a tap on my shoulder. It was the old women next to me. She looked a bit angry, but I didn’t know why. “Could you turn your music down. No one wants to hear that,” she told me rudely as I took out one of my earbuds. I was tempted to not turn it down just to annoy her like she was annoying me, but I decided to show that people like me, as in tattooed and pierced, can be just as nice as she could. 

I hit the volume button on the side of my silver iPod until it was down to fifty percent. “Sorry,” I said before shoving my earbud back in. I saw her say something to her husband who looked at me oddly. I had no idea what I had done wrong this time, but I decided to ignore it.

After another two hours, we finally landed. After struggling with my bag, I made if off the plane. I told Chris I would meet him at the baggage claim even though I didn’t check any bags. It was the easiest place to meet because of the security. I immediately spotted him. He was sitting next to Balz. I could also see my ‘friends’ from the plane giving him rude looks. If they weren’t so old, I think Chris probably would’ve given them the finger.

When he saw me, a huge smile spread across his face. He then rushed to come help me, which I was very thankful for. Once he had my bag slung over his shoulder, he leaned down to cup my face and plant a soft kiss on my lips. His touch sent a wave of goosebumps through my skin. I was so happy to be reunited with him. Even after a few days, I had missed him so much.

“I am so happy your here. I can’t wait for you to meet everyone and you can watch us play tonight. I’ve already found a chair you can sit in so you won’t have to stand,” he rambled excitedly. I looked up at him lovingly as we continued to walk outside. I seriously couldn’t wait for the next two months.


When we got to the bus, I showed Marietta where she would be sleeping and told her where she could put her stuff. I was so excited to have her here. I had been so upset about leaving her after what happened and now I didn’t have to. 

When we pulled up to the venue, we all got out and made our way into the venue. I was hoping Danny and Ben would be able to to turn down the sex jokes for awhile, but I really didn’t expect it to happen.

As we walked in, we were greeted by all the other bands. “Ooo, is this your Italian girlfriend?” Ben questioned raising his eyebrows. I could see Marietta’s face get a bit pink as I nodded.

“Well, Marietta, I’m Ben. It’s very nice to meet you. Chris has told us tons about you,” Ben greeted slinging his arm around Marietta’s slim shoulders. As soon as he talked, she looked starstruck. I could see it in her eyes. 

“Um, nice to meet you, too,” she replied finally regaining her ability of speech. Ben gave a small smirk causing her to blush again. She looked so adorable getting all worked up about meeting one of her favorite bands.

I introduced her to the rest of the bands. After each member, her smile seemed to get bigger. I was surprised that she didn’t completely spas out. She could be quite the fangirl sometimes.

The show that night went smoothly. The last few nights I had been worried about Marietta, but that night she was sitting right there on the side of the stage so there was nothing to worry about. I think I played the best show of the tour that night just because I was so happy that she was there. 

“Uh. I’m so tired,” she moaned when we got back to the bus. We sat on the couch in the front lounge and she rested her head on my shoulder. Her eyelids drooped as I kissed the top of her head. I was about to suggest that she head to her bunk and go to bed when I realized she was already asleep. Her chest was going up and down at a steady rate and her brown hair had fallen in front of her face. I couldn’t help but laugh. She always looked so cute when she was sleeping. She just looked so peaceful even with the large bruise on her cheek.

I must have debated whether or not to wake her up for a good five minutes. Finally, I gently picked her up off the couch and carried her to the bunk that would be hers for the next two months. Being careful of her leg, I laid her in the small bunk and took off her shoe. I then pulled the blankets up. I stood there admiring her for a few moments. How did I get so lucky to get such an amazing girlfriend?

After a few minutes, I closed the curtain on the bunk and made my way back to the front of the bus. Angelo and Balz were watching some horror movie on the TV when I walked in. I had no idea where everyone else was. 

I had sat down next to Balz and was trying to figure out what movie they had put on when Angelo interrupted my thoughts. “You really love her, don’t you?” he said quietly. He looked at me from his spot on the other side of Balz.

I didn’t even have to think about my answer. “Yeah, I do,” I replied feeling a warm smile spread across my lips. I truly loved her more than I had ever loved anyone.

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