I Am Lost Without You Here

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“Why have you been so sad lately?” Taylor questioned as she brought me my slice of cheesecake. I had just finished my shift and was in the mood for some comfort food. In my opinion, cheesecake qualified as comfort food.

I just shrugged. It had been three weeks since Chris had left for tour and it seemed that when he left he took my happiness with him. I just wanted to be able to see him again and feel his touch again.

“Is it ‘cause you miss Chris?” she asked knowingly. She gave me a sad smile. She didn’t understand though. She didn’t have a boyfriend who spent most of the time on the road.

“Yeah. I just really miss him,” I replied quietly. As she walked away, I picked up my fork and let it slide into my cake with a sigh. Why did the guy who loved me have to be a million mile away?

As I took my first bite of cheesecake I was reminded of my first date with Chris when he had found out I worked here. ‘Does that mean you get free cheesecake? Because you know, I like cheesecake.’ His voice rang in my ears. I really missed him.

Suddenly, my phone started playing Devil’s Night by Motionless In White signaling someone was calling me. I smiled as Chris’ voice started singing from my bag. I liked hearing him every time someone called me. I fished through my bag until I pulled out my phone and happily laid my eyes on the picture I had set for Chris’ contact. I hit the green button and put the phone up to my ear with a huge smile.

“Hi,” I greeted suddenly feeling so much more happy. It was hard for him to call since of the time difference, so hearing his voice was definitely nice.

“Hey. You’re not at work, right?” he asked. I could tell he didn’t want to get me in trouble, which was nice since he knew how much I needed this job.

“Nope. I am currently enjoying a piece of cheesecake before I head home,” I told him taking another bite of the delicious cake. I had always wanted to know how their cheesecakes were so good.

“Lucky. When I get back, we are definitely using your discount to get some cheap food,” he told me making me let out a laugh. The discount was pretty nice, wasn’t it?

“I’m holding you to it now,” I replied after I stopped laughing. I saw Taylor give me a grin from across the room as if she knew who I was talking to.

“It’ll be the first thing we do when I get home,” he told me. I could just imagine sitting at this table across from him instead of an empty chair. It would certainly be a nice change.

“Where are you guys tonight?” I questioned changing the subject. They moved around so much that I had long since given up on trying to keep track.

“Michigan,” he responded. I had never been to Michigan. It must be so cool to say that you’ve been all over the world. I know people are always impressed with me being from Italy, but Chris had been there plus almost every state and a bunch of other countries.

“Did you play yet?” I asked just as I heard someone in the background say “Five minutes, guys. Five minutes.” I knew this meant he probably had to go.

“No, but we’re about to go on. So, I’ll text you later,” he replied seeming reluctant to hang up the phone. I didn’t want to go either, but at least he had a show to look forward to.

“Ok, break a leg,” I told him smiling. I told him that every time he called and hadn’t yet gone onstage.

I heard him chuckle on the other end of the phone. “I love you, Marietta,” he said causing my smile to widen.

“I love you, too, Chris,” I responded. We then said our goodbyes and hung up the phone. As soon as I put the phone down from my ear, my smile disappeared. He seemed to be the only person who could make me happy these days.


“You want a drink?” a British accent asked me. I looked up to see Danny Worsnop standing above me. We were hanging on Asking Alexandria’s bus after the show.

“No thanks,” I replied. Danny didn’t seem to grasp the fact that I didn’t drink. He apparently used to drink a lot more before, but had slowed down a bit recently.

“Oh, that’s right. You’re straight edge,” he said mockingly. I knew he was just kidding, though. We had never toured with AA before but we had all quickly became friends.

My phone then lit up telling me I had a knew text message. To my delight, it was Marietta. I felt a huge smile curl onto my lips. 

Marietta: How was the show?

She always texted me after the shows if she wasn’t asleep or at work, which I thought was really sweet. It was definitely a nice way to end my day.

Me: Awesome. The crowd was amazing as usual. It would’ve been better if u        were there though. 

“So, who this chick your always texting?” Ben questioned with a bottle of Jack Daniel’s in one hand. I had never seen people drink as much as Asking Alexandria and that was saying a lot since we had toured with a lot of bands.

“How’d you know it’s a girl?” I asked taken aback by the question. I didn’t know people noticed my texting habits.

“Well, every time you look at your phone, you get this smile on your face like it’s the best thing in the world. So, unless your gay, it’s a girl. So, who is she?” he answered. I felt my cheeks getting a bit hot. I wasn’t one to talk about my feelings openly.

“Her name’s Marietta,” I replied. I didn’t really like being the center of attention, which might sound weird since I’m the lead singer of a band, but I’m not one that enjoys talking to or being around tons of people. So, now that everyone in the bus had their eyes on me, I felt totally uncomfortable.

“Ooo, she sounds exotic,” Danny joked lightening the mood and making me feel slightly less awkward. He flashed a cheeky grin.

“She’s from Italy,” I responded. I wasn’t sure if that was ‘exotic,’ but it was pretty cool. I felt my phone vibrate in my lap and looked down to see another text from Marietta. 

Marietta: Wish I could b there. 2 more days!

That’s right. I’d be able to see her again in two days; hold her; kiss her. Just two more days. Well, actually one. We had the day before the show in Scranton off so I was going to convince everyone that we should go home a day early, but she didn’t know that yet.

Me: I can’t wait 2 c u!

“Ooo, Italian. From my experience, Italians are pretty good in bed,” Danny told me making my face turn a dark shade of red. I was aware that Danny had slept with more girls than countable. I personally thought that was pretty terrible, but I didn’t tell him that. “But, I’m sure you know that from your own experience,” he added wiggling his eyebrows suggestively and making my face get even more hot if that was even possible. Danny chuckled when he saw my face making me feel more embarrassed. Even though we were all friends, I preferred to keep my business to myself.

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