Arms Are Around Me

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Finally, I thought as I woke up that morning. It was finally the day before Chris was coming home. I had been practically counting down and now it was almost here finally! 

I got ready for work and got in my car. The whole way there I sang at the top of my lungs to Pierce The Veil. They were another one of my favorite bands. When I got to work, I parked my car and went into the restaurant.

The hours seemed to drag on. All I wanted to do was run home, but I couldn’t. “Hey, go take that table, will you? I got my hands full right now,” Taylor told me gesturing with her head to a table at which a single guy sat at. She was balancing multiple plates and glasses so I didn’t argue even though I was suppose to leave in fifteen minutes.

As I got closure to the table, I could see the guy had black hair and tons of tattoos. He was wearing all black. Before I even reached him, I had this slight feeling that I already knew this man, but I knew Chris wasn’t coming home until tomorrow. Well, I guess a girl can hope, right?

When I reached the table, I was about to recite my usual ‘I’m Marietta and I’ll be taking care of you today. Can I start you off with something to drink?’ speech, but that’s when I realized that I had been right on my walk over here. I felt my lips curl into a huge smile as I wrapped my arms around him. Chris hugged me back with his thin tattooed arms and his touch sent a wave of electricity through my body. I had missed his hugs so much. He pulled away a bit so he was still holding me in his arms but could look at me. I then felt his lips crash into mine. The kiss was filled with longing like he had waited the whole month to give me that kiss.

“I thought you weren’t coming home until tomorrow,” I exclaimed when he pulled away. To be honest, I could barely he was sitting in front of me.

“We had today off, so we’d come home early,” he explained giving a wide smile. As much as I wanted to stay and chat, I had to go refill my other customer’s drink.

“I’ll be back. I get done in ten minutes,” I told him before reluctantly going over to the elderly couple I was serving. They had given me a look of disgust when they had seen my piercing and tattoos, but now they were looking at me like they didn’t even want me on the same planet as them. They had obviously seen me kissing Chris. Some people are so judgmental.

I will myself to stay away from Chris’ table for the next ten minutes knowing that I would just get distracted and want to stay with him. It was ten minutes of torture, but I manage. Mind you, Chris was sending me funny faces in the mirror since his back was to me.

When it was finally time for me to go home, I ran to the employ area and clocked out. I then ran back to Chris’ table. I sat down across from him as I loosened my tie. It was a real pain in the ass to have to wear these clothes, but I needed the money so I didn’t mind so much. I couldn’t seem to wipe the smile off of my face. Chris had the affect on me. I always wanted to smile around him.

He sent me a smile from behind his menu. I could see that he had the page open to the back which held the cheesecakes.

“Which flavor you getting?” I asked still concentrating on my first course. I swear I don’t know how he stays so thin when he eats so much.

“I was thinking that new s’mores one. I haven’t tried it yet. Is it any good?” he questioned peering over at me. He looked so cute with that smile on his face that I had a hard time containing myself.

“Yes. It’s so good,” I gushed. I had dubbed myself the official cheesecake tester out of the staff here. I had literally had every flavor and everyone was so good.

“Then it’s settled. What about you?” he asked shutting the book that was his menu. The menus are huge here. I still didn’t know the whole thing and I had worked here for years.

“God, Chris. I haven’t even decided on my meal,” I responded with a chuckle. He laughed back. It felt so nice to be back to laughing at restaurants instead of talking on the phone.

“You’re getting a meal? I was just planning on getting, like, three slices of cheesecake and skipping the actual food,” he joked causing me to laugh more. I could just imagine him sitting at a table with plates and plates of cheesecake surrounding him. This is why I loved him.


As I walked into the Cheesecake Factory, I immediately spotted Marietta. She was waiting on an older couple that was looking at her like she was the antichrist. People seriously need to open their minds.

“One, sir?” the lady at the front questioned. She grabbed a menu not waiting for my response. She gave me a forced and looked at the seating chart on the top of the counter.

“Yeah. Can I by any chance get one of Marietta’s tables?” I asked. I would literally get down on my knees and beg this lady to let me sit at one of the tables Marietta was in charge of.

“Uh, yes. Of course,” she responded giving me another fake smile. Why did these waiters always think they had to be happy? I’d rather have them stop pretending.

“Thank you,” I replied happily. I had never been so grateful in my life. She led me to my table and told me Marietta should be right with me.

I sat with my back facing Marietta’s direction. Luckily, I could still see her in the mirror that was over the booth across from me. I saw her say something to a frazzled-looking Taylor before heading over to my table. I saw her expression change when she neared me, but then falter again. When she finally stood in front of me, she opened her mouth to say something, but then shut it again as a smile appeared on her face.

She pulled me into a hug. I had definitely missed those hugs over the last month. I seriously didn’t know how I had made it through without being able to touch her. That’s when I let my heart take over and I let my lips crash into her. I had wanted to do that for so long. 

When she pulled away, I explained to her that we had had the day off and came home early. She then told me she had to get back to work but would be done in ten minutes. The ten minutes were terrible, but I waited patiently.

As promised, ten minutes later she plopped down on the booth across from me pulling at her tie. She looked so cute in her uniform. Well, she looked cute in anything, but that was besides the point

“How’s tour so far?” she questioned after we put our orders in. Taylor ended up waiting on us. I hadn’t seen her after she invited us to her party and had actually forgotten she worked with Marietta.

“Pretty good. It’s nice touring with friends,” I responded. I took a sip of my soda as I looked into those beautiful dark eyes of hers.

“Who are you touring with again?” she asked curiously. She was probably wondering who she would be seeing tomorrow. I had gotten her tickets to the show tomorrow night, which caused her to tell me that she ‘loved me so fucking much.’

“Asking Alexandria, I See Stars, and Secrets,” I answered. Her eyes widened at the list of bands. I loved seeing how excited she got over things like this. The way she freaked out of bands was actually really adorable.

“How the fuck did I forget? That is such a good line up,” she exclaimed excitedly. I could tell she couldn’t wait for tomorrow now.

We talked the whole rest of the time we ate. She told me about work and I filled her in on the fans and how the shows had been going. She seemed especially interested when I told her about hanging out with AA. I knew she was a pretty big fan of them so I was expecting her to freak out when I introduced her to them tomorrow. When dinner was done, I really didn’t want to leave even though we decided to head over to her apartment. I wished moments like this could last forever, but I knew they couldn’t.

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