when u meet

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You where sitting on your couch watching twaimz on youtube when you heard a loud thump coming from your window next to you.

"um are y-you okay?" you said wide eyed knowing it was the famous jeff the killer.
"Yea just need a little help". he said hanging upside down with his pants leg caught in the window so you get up and help him.

"Thanks, i guess i will be seeing u again y/n?".He said sheepishly.
"As long as u dont get stuck again and try to kill me, sure". You said raising an eyebrow. With that he left out the window and u went back to watching twaimz singing the llama song.
-some of these will be short-


You were walking in the woods at 11pm at night because you were upset that ur bestfriend humiliated u in front of ur crush.
"I trusted her/him to keep it a secret". you said on the verge of tears. Later u check ur Facebook to see a video of ur crush rejecting u and ur friends laughing at it. Soon u were crying ur eyes out.

"Why are u crying child?" said slenderp the ultimate stalker.
" embarrassment". You said showing him the video even though he didnt have eyes.
" tsk tsk tsk they will get theirs. Do u kno ur way home?" he said questioning.

You looked around to see how far u had gone and u had gone quite far so u shook ur head.
"I can take u home if u want?".he said. You nodded ur head yes and next thing u kno u were being teleported to ur room.

"Wow thanks", u said astonished.
"Well ur welcome and i shall be seening u again child", he didnt say it in a question he just said after that he left. You went up to ur room thinking about wat just happened.

Ben jamin-

That one annoying friend of urs wouldn't stop bothering u. Every day she/he would tell u to hook up with her/his cousin.
"Come on she/he won't bite unless u provoke her/him to",she said trying to convince you.

" No not after last time at the sleepover remember? She/he took my (f/c) underware/boxers and never gave them back", u said frowning.

" Fine u won,bye see ya later", she/he said mumbling and hung up. You were now bored and decided to play majoras mask that u had got a few months ago and had never played. You grabbed the game and popped it in ur computer and started playing. Few minutes later ur screen started glitching then went black seconds later a message popped up on ur screen: " i will see u again y/n", after that ur screen back to normal. You then turned off your computer and went to bed dazed.


( this one is short cuz i didnt have much ideas for him but I'll make it up to u guys promise)

Ya were runnin from a group of thugs that were chasing after u cuz they saw u watchin them kill an innocent prostitute who were trying to give them the money she owe them (talkin bout a short temper) and they killed her cuz she didnt have all the money.

" Get back here stupid bitch!", one of them yelled which made u run faster. U could see where exactly u were going so u turned down the nearest ally to see a dead end." shit!", u yelled. You turned around to see the thugs walking up to u slowly.

" Well well well looks like we got fresh meat!", one yelled.
" This is going to be a quick n easy death for u", the second one said smirking evily. As you closed ur eyes waiting for your time to come, didnt feel anything so u open ur eyes to see that the thugs were lying on the ground dead.

" I will see you again y/n", someone said and when you turned around, you saw a boy wearing a bright orange hoodie and with that he left running off into the woods. You walked home thinking about that boy.


You stormed out your house mad because your mom wanted to know why you broke up with your ex bf/n and your sibling pissed you off.

" she only used him for sex that's why she's a slutty mcslut BITCH!", your sibling yelled but all your mom did was tell her to be quiet. Nothing happened she kept going on and on about u a slut and a whore until....you (bitched) slapped her.

"I hate you y/n", she/he screamed and ran up stairs slamming the door. Your mom yelled at you for that and to apologized but instead u said no and stormed out the house

I'm not a slut I didn't even have sex with him he forced me too and I got away just in time. Im fucking tired of people assuming and forcing me to do something I don't want to, You thought as were walking to the cheesecake factory.

When you got in u ordered a strawberry and chocolate to go. When they called u up for your order, u paid and just when u turned around u bumped into someone.

" oof!", they said standing up to pick up their fallen cheesecake.

" I'm soo sooo sorry let me by I another one okay?", u said apologetic. A masked boy looked up at you. You could tell he was smiling so u smiled back.

"Okay", he said walking over to the order ( or whatever you call it) line and ordered Wat he wanted.

" Thanks and btw my name is Masky", he said turning to look at you.

" I'm y/n and your welcome", u said smiling.

" will I see you again?", he said hopefully. You nodded and then he left.

( sorreh for the short stories . If you have any requests for him message me)


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