evander Locklear

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This was requested by lucal_lover so follow her/him (not trying to make assumptions) also listen to marshmello while reading this

I don't know who he is so I'm going to start of with wat I know already I'm sorreh if there are mistakes. Also sexual and vulgar language ahead🚨

How chu meet-

You were a nurse in the physciatric ward (please tell me the hospital name if you know). Mr Locklear nurse had quit because he was driving her insane and she couldn't take it anymore and the last nurse disappeared that morning so today you had to cater for him by bringing him his lunch.

" He can't be that annoying can he?" You thought to yourself in the way there. Finally you arrived there.

" Mr. Locklear I have your lunch" you said. No response. You open the door to see that he is not in there.

" What the fu-" before you could finish Locklear jumped off the wall and strolled over to you.

" Where is your straps?" You said getting ready to run.

" Well if I told you I will have to kill you. That would be a shame cause your pretty" he said with his blue eyes glowing menacingly. He held up a finger to your lips.

" Sshh don't tell anyone. Otherwise I will kill you " he said threateningly and raised a syrum green liquid in it.

" what a-are you going to do?" This time you were scared.

" Oh nothing" he said casually. " But put you to sleep!" Then he stabbed you in the neck. You started to black out and next thing you know, your being lifted and carried away.

When you hangout *gone wrong*-

You woke up on your couch. Confused about what the hell happened.

" why am i-" you started but heard a loud bang come from the bathroom. Slowly getting up, you made your way down the hall to the bathroom to see what is going on.

" ugh, yess, right there, deeper, fuuuuuuuuuuck, harder harder. Right there". (Ya dirty person for thinking dhet)

" oh my gawd" you immediately opened you door to see Locklear sitting on the toilet playing a game on your laptop. You were shocked, disgusted and disturbed at the same time. He looked up at you.

" what?" He asked innocently.
"How you get in? You know what never mind. Get out." You said obviously shooked. He stood up.

" well miss y/n I wanted to hangout and get to know you since I let you live" he pouted with his diddle lee dee hanging. You eyes widened at *how smol it was* ( lol jk I died writing this part😂💀) big it was.

" Put some pants on damn" you screamed. A while later he came out dressed like a different person. You looked up from your couch.

"I won't even asked where you got them clothes from yet along whatever you were doing in there" you turned away and went back to watch TV.

"Let's go to the mall" he pulled at your hand and dragged you out the door.

"Why?" You questioned.

"Because I said so and I don't want to get caught" he said simply. You guys started walking he looked cute in his human form:

(This is Jackson Wang from got7, so just bear with me please I kinda imagined him looking like that)

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(This is Jackson Wang from got7, so just bear with me please I kinda imagined him looking like that)

You noticed he still had your hand in his. You blushed and kinda enjoyed it. Soon you guys arrived to the mall. You guys started shopping for clothes. You two talked about random stuff getting to know each other and ranting about the hoes at your school you used to go to. Getting ready to leave you guys grabbed an ice cream cone and started to leave. You were enjoying yourself very much.

" His eyes are s-" you were interrupted from your thought as a drunken hobo bumped into you.

"Really?" Locklear said to the man.

" Asshole wash wear yuu going" the man struggled to talk. Locklear lost his cool and stabbed the man with your ice cream cone.

" holy mother of pearl!'' you said. A elderly lady saw wat happened and ran screaming for the police.

" we need to go" locklear grabbed your arm and you guys ran back to your house. Thankfully they won't catch you.

" that was close" he chuckled looking at you. You smiled but remembered he murdered the man with your ice cream cone. You walked up and kicked him in his knee.

"Ow what the h-" you interrupted him. Walking off you said to him:

"You owe me ice cream".

I got lazy and shit so the other half will be up tomorrow. Sorry I couldn't find a suitable picture for Locklear so I went to the first thing I could find. Peace

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