evander Locklear pt2

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Ok I said I was going to upload yesterday but I got busy so here you go..

His thoughts on you;D-

Well... Im a psychotic scientist, I don't love, I kill. But with y/n I can make an exception..

When he asks you out-

You came home from your new job since you were forced to quit your last one. You arrived at your door step but immediately stopped when you noticed something off.. Like way off. You opened the door. You were beyond shocked.

" Evander!!!" You screamed. He didnt come out. On your living room wall was written in blood:

"Will you be my little scientist?"

With an human heart stapled next to it. You thought about it for 5 seconds then said yes loud enough. You felt two arms snake around your waist. You turned around and looked at him.

" Your cleaning that up now".

" Yea I know" he said letting to clean it up.

When your on ur period-
( I'm going to put this simple)

Locklear: *sleeping peacefully*

You: *screams from the bathroom* BABE!!!

Locklear: *Falls out bed* *pissed* WHAT!?

You: *sweetly* I need ladeh products

Lockear: *groans* okay *gets up to leave*

~~~~~16 minutes later~~~~~

Locklear: *walks through door* * Ice cold water falls on him* What th-

You: *laughs coming down stairs* *slips and falls all the way down* *stands up* Hehehe >:)

Locklear: * mad asf* really?

You: * chuckling still* I didnt realize I had an extra one stashed in my drawer

Locklear: *hands you stuff to you* *walks away*

You: I'm sorry *feels guilty*

Locklear: *ignores*

You: *sad* I'm sorry will you cuddle with me?

Locklear: *sighs* fine *heads up stairs*

You: *heads up stair following*

Locklear: *lays down* *closes eyes*

You: *gets next to him under the blanket*

•••• minutes later••••

Locklear: *sleeping peacefully*

You: *shivers* *pulls blanket off of locklear*

Locklear: *wakes up slowly* *grunts*

You: *throws hand over locklear* *accidentally slaps him*

Locklear: * does what the fuck face* * gets up and leave* I will sleep downstairs.

When he is on his man period-

You kicked him out your house and made him stay in an hotel room because he basically murdered 14 people and tried to murder you and make you become a human centipede.

Left is him right is you

I'm sorry its just that slender yelled at me for something Dr.smiley did

                         idc come back tom


Come on
I apologised

              The at&t Subscriber Your
               Trying To Reach Is No
                Longer Available.

Its you're not your



Well that's it for now I hope u like it

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