WHEN YOU HANG OUT gone wrong

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(yes that's a pic of dark link but ima add him in later promise)

You and Jeff were sitting on the couch watching Netflix helping him with his broken leg. Why? Simply because Jeff decided try and climb a very old tree.

" shit my fucking leg hurts I can't even move" Jeff said wincing in pain.

" I told you to not clim-" you said continuing to watch tv.

" whut da-" Jeff said but it was your turn to cut him off.

" I told you not to u didn't listen today was suppose to be a day where we hang out together but you didn't listen and now we are stuck watching a movie but I gu-" you said but Jeff decided to cut you off again.

" better than nothing right?" he said with a hit of anger and irritation in his voice.

"What ever" you simply said.


You and slendy were walking in the woods talking together when you saw some burning paper by a tree but slendum didn't notice until you saw another and told him he look there and shrugged it off thinking it was something else until he saw a teenage boy ripping slendnuts paper off.

" slendeh wat ever ur thinking don't do it" u said trying to calm down the slenduck but he looked like he was about to explode.

" its okay darling" and with that he teleported to the boy and ripped him apart and other vital organs smashing his face against the tree bark continuously so you just turned around and went home.


You were playing mortal kombat x online with the head phones on while Benny sitting next to you listening to the random guy conversation trying to flirt with you but u kept saying you don't need a boyfriend.

" but I can make u PROUD in bed" he said by this Benny was disgusted and pissed at this and he wasn't even this perverted.

" Fuck off you perverted disgusting ratchet ugly ass pedophile sounding like a 30 year old man whose wife Prolleh left ya limber dick stupid sick ASS bastard nasty son of a bitch" you said and everybody else went oooh and one said " ya need some ice for that or do we need to call the fire department" and that sent everybody laughin but leaving Ben shocked at wat you said.

" damn I didn't kno u wanted me so bad I kno I'm hot" the guy said seductively. Ben grabbed your head phones and yelled-

" dude please, the only thing you can turn on is a damn microwave" and of coarse everyone ooohed again at that burn and this made the random guy mad ( we gon call him Daniel Okay and no damn Daniel back at it again or whatever it is y'all be sayin down in da comments capiche? Ok).

" you know what shut the Fuck up I don't care anyways you Prolleh a whore wit your skanky ass" he said harshly.

Ben didn't take that to well and teleported through the tv and all there was was the noise of faint screaming that sounded like "nobody flirts and calls friend a whore u asshat!" and things being banged against the key board.


You and hoody were at the park on the swings eating ice cream talking about stupid funny things and telling jokes until the popular girl saw you and hoods and started teasing you

" Ohh look its little miss slut mcslutty, queen of the sluts" and started laughing then going to hit on hoods.

" hey sexy why are you with her? you need a real woman" she said lifting up her melons (teeheehee yea I said melons).

" I don't need a real woman that has big melons (hehehahaha yea I said it again so what?) and calls my friend a slut when your the slut that keeps hitting on every guy at school sleeping with them. What did you lose ur virginity at the age 11 (sorry if I offended you and if u don't like it change the age) and dump the guy afterward?" hoods said then smiling at you because he was protecting you but before she could say anything a Muscular varsity jock came up to you guys.

" back off my girlfriend weak link" and he pushed hoods off the swing making him fall backwards and you no like that so u helped hoods up and he grabbed a hatchet and ran off after them trapping them in the deserted ally way to be killed leaving you to walk home by yourself only later to find hoods at ur front door apologizing.
(I ran out of details for him)


You were at the cheesecake factory with Masky sitting at your table eating the cheese and talking when a guy came by and picked up Masky cheesecake and took off running leaving Masky to cry so you comforted him and shared your cheesecake with him and promised him,

" when we get home I will make you some cheesecake all to yourself okay?" you said and he nodded happily.

( yea it is short but it was funny when I thought of it and so kawaii but if it was me I would've went after him and killed him)

( yea I know they were short and they ended in the boys killing the enemies or whatever u call them [except masky] and they sucked but somewhat entertaining right? But I'm running out of scenarios so either pm me or post it on me message board okay? And pm means private message)


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