when he is on his man period

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Quick a/n Sorreh it's been so long I was kinda busy with school and moving so ye... Plus pierce the veil is beautiful...


You didn't know what was wrong with slender all this week. One night you guys were having fun at his office (no you guy's didn't have sex) prank calling people and pulling pranks on the other creepypastas until the next morning he was all..let's say...very emotional.
" what's wrong slendy?" you asked him when walked into his office. " Jeff and Ben won't stop fighting and yelling. I'm trying to clean and they are just messing it back up. AND don't even get me started on Masky, I'm trying to make food for a party tonight and he goes in there and eats it...he is such a fat ass OMGEE like really!" he said in a girlish valley girl voice crying. You went down stairs to where Jeff and Ben was fighting and grabbed them by the ears pulling them apart. "You GUYS need to shut the fuck up fighting and go APOLOGIZE to slender now" you said sternly. " yes ma'am" they said in unison and quickly rushed up stairs. Then you went to Masky who was eating ALL the food and snatched it out his hands. " why did you do that y/n?" he said but you told him to 're make all the food slender made for the upcoming party and if he don't have it done in the next 30minutes you was going to tie him down in a dark room with no Windows to escape and make him watch anaconda for 48 hours NON stop. He started to quickly on the food. Soon slendat (ass) came down and hugged you. "Thank starling" he said and started crying again fanning his eyes with his hands.

Jeff and ben-

(Ben gf) and (Jeff gf) was with Jeff and Ben playing just dance. Jeff and Ben was tied. They started arguing giving (Ben gf) and (Jeff gf) a chance to win. When the song was over you guys won. Jeff was getting sarcastic with Ben and Ben was getting sassy with Jeff. " pfft I'm better than you in any way, I don't have to stop being my smart fabulous self cause your a LOSER!" Ben said flipping his hair. " oh yea Mhmmm you got all the brains to win so let's clap for asshat" Jeff said sarcastically clapping his hands. (Ben gf) and (Jeff gf) backed away slowly out of the room.


Hoody was at your house telling you that slender is throwing a party tonight and asked if you wanted to go so you of course agreed. You went up stairs to take a shower and get ready. Not long before you got in you heard someone going through your drawers. After you got out and put a towel on you saw hoody wearing your black dress and and heels. " oh hey girl you might want to put on something cute and a bathing suit under cause you might get wet" he said in a gay voice ( I have nothing against gay people Tbh I always wanted a gay best Fran) . you just stared at him and kicked him out so you could get dressed.


You were at the kitchen counter at the slender mansion sitting across from hoody thinking of a way to make the party "legendary" ( if you know that reference comment below). "Well I'm going to have some special guests there...yea...okay.....yeah I'm pay part of it....you can some of them off in there...Will they be able t make it in time?..alright...bye-bye" you said ending the call with fueled by ramen. "Babe can you get me the hot sauce?" hoody asked stuffing his mouth with food. "Why do you need hot sauce on your water melon?" you asked a bit grossed out. " you DONT UNDERSTAND!" he said. " slenderman is going to be mad at you for eating his food" you said giving him his hot sauce. " what ever" he Said continuing to stuff his mouth.

Sonic- do u have to yell?
Me: -3- stfu

Bye guys..

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