life in the mansion.........

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( this was requested so I decided to do a random chap not a scenerio also mellow myst is my oc creepy past)

       * 9:00pm at the mansion*

Me: *sitting on the couch drinking mount DEW watching black butler* *slurps last bit of sooda* aww I ain't got no more.......SOOONNNIIICCC!!!

                   * no response*


Sonic: what the hell you want woman!?

Me: moar sooda *smiles Innocently*

Sonic: *does a wtf look at me * get off you lazy ass and get it ur self

Me:  *turns smile into a death glare* bitch I own you so if you want more midnight kisses I suggest you do it now!

Sonic: hell no

Me: *smirks evilly* *fake cries*

Sonic: n-no no NO! I will get it okay?

Me: *stops* no Im just playing wit you but do you want something to drink or........

Sonic: a sandwich with turkey not ham I hate ham

Me : ookaaay * goes to kitchen and evilly puts sneezing powder on turkey for sonic sandwich*

             - 2 of ze minoots pazz-

Me: *smiles evilleh and hand sonic his sandwich and goes up to the top of the stairs and watches while giggling*

Sonic: thank u bae * eats sandwich then starts sneezing* what da- *sneezes* hell *sneezes* MELLOW *sneezes* MYST!!! *sneezes while running upstairs*

Me: * laughs maniacally and runs to mah room* I put sneezing powder in ur sneezwich (get it?)

Ben: * comes out room smiling * oooh great prank M.M *goes back In room*

Me: * runs to room only to get tackeled by sonic* ahhh..dammit 

Sonic: you though I was gone let u get away?

Me: argghh no now get off meh fat ass

Sonic : u know you like this body

Me: puh-leez and I notice your sneezing stopped * shoves sonic off* anata wa totemo kawaii

Sonic: what ever *rolls eyes* *tackles me and kissez me*

- meanwhile Lj  is running to Dr.Smiley's lab-

Lj- DR.SMILEY HELP ME *bangs on door*

Dr.smiley- what do u want!?

Lj- s-sa-lly cu-ut off m-m-m

Dr.smiley- cut off what?


Dr.smiley- *opens door* come in *sighs*

-Sound of lj screaming is heard-

Akuma- shut up y'all andeh what was u going to ask me?

Andy- will you marry me?

What andeh ring look like👇

Entoan- *pops in* MARRY ME AKUMA!

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Entoan- *pops in* MARRY ME AKUMA!

What entoan ring looks like👇

What entoan ring looks like👇

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Akuma-( °O°) (°O° ) I-I-I-I-

~While Akuma couldn't decide on who to say yes to, she ran out of the room and off to her bula myst~

Me- what is wrong?

Akuma- andeh and entoan wants meh to marry them but I can't decide

Me- well the heart wants what it wants

Akuma- ok Serena Gomez

Me- Kk but choose wis-

-Loud crashing noises-

Akuma/me- whut tf? *walks down stairs*

~When me and Akuma gets there we see masky and hoodie arguing while Tobeh iz bleeding~

Me- what happened?

Masky- well hoodie ate my cheesecake

Tobeh- he came to me crying about it

Hoody- I was hungry

Masky- that ain't no excuse to eat my cheesecake!

~Me and akuma is trying to stop the argument from going on~

-Slender gets home to see the whole house is messy-

Slender- what on earth of insipid cretins is going on?

-Everyone immediately goes down stairs and/or goes to the kitchen-

Everyone- *talking at once*

Slender- BE QUIET!!!

              -Goes silent-

Slender- okay now one at a time tell me what happened?

Offender- well I was trying to flirt with Jane but Jeff tried to kill me

Splender- I was just playing with Sally

Sonic- myst put sneezing powder in my sammich!

Akuma- I was being proposed to by me bestfranns

Lj- ej tried to cut off my nose

Trender- clockwerk was wear a hideous dress


-Everyone tries to explain and argue at the same time-

Slender-  *sighs* oh my zalgo...

Yep that was it.. This i to keep you entertain till I do my next requested ya plus Akuma is OfHoneyMustard so go follow her please


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