when you break up/ Hurts you

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I have been wanting to do this for awhile so yey....plus play this song while reading this it's an 1hr long...^-^


You were in the forest with your gay bestfrann William with his arm on your shoulder and your arm around his waist just talking. What you did not know was slender was watching and boy was he pissed. He teleported in front of you guys and started yelling assumptions.

" Y/N! How DARE you cheat on me with with THAT!" he yelled pointing his fingers at William.

"What the hell? I'm not cheating on you slender he g-"


" HEY YOU DONT EVER SAY THAT TO HER!" William yelled back defending you.

" SHUT up you worthless cretin" slender said.

"You need to listen I'm not CHE-" but before you could finish slender slaps you across the face and disappears out of sight. You were trying not to cry but you were bawling your eyes out.

"C'mon let's get you home" William said feeling really hurt that Slender would do that to you. That night when you got home, you went to your bedroom and turned the music on loud and cried. On the other hand slender was still mad.

Jeff the dumbass-

You had came home from school and was tired. Jeff was on the couch lying down lazily watching tv.

" woman make me my sammich" he said rudely.

" babe can u please do it yourself, my feet hurt and I have homework" you said politely but nooo Jeff had to make it worse and decided to start some shit.

" lazy ass you don't do shit but do homework and go to school" he said angrily.

" And exactly what the fuck do you do huh?" you said back mad that he called you lazy when you go to school and work and when you come home it's all dirty so you clean it.

" love your pathetic whiney self!" he said getting up Into your face.

" If I'm so damn pathetic then WHY u here because all you EVER do is mess up my house and don't bother to help!" you said back sassin him but he pulled out his knife and stabbed you in your side causing you to scream in agonizing pain. Jeff ran out into the woods and didnt comeback. You fell onto the ground and pulled out your phone quickly dialling 999.

"Hello 911 on the line, whats your emergency?"

"I was stabbed by an intruder, it was all in a blur so I couldnt see exactly who"

"Ok ma'am we're on our way" she said then thats when everything went black.

Ben drowned- (in guiltyness)

You and I were playing (fave game) when sonic and ben came in and took the controllers out our hands and started playing.

" WTF ben" you said slighty irritated at their actions.

" shut and get hell out" sonic said.

" Who the fuck do you think your talking to? We were here first not your blue hair dum dum looking blue berry pop cocky no ass having disease bushy eyebrows aint on fleek son of a-" you said but I cut you off.

" you shouldn't have taken that from us"

" And what are you going to do about it? You or your little friend cant play" ben said stepping towards you and me.

" BITCH FITE ME!" I said

" Sit the fuck down myst" sanic.

" Give us the damn controllers back" you said stepping up to him.

" or what?" He said obviously annoyed. But you slapped him across the face. That really pissed ben off and decided to punch you in your face causing him to break your nose and bleed.

" y/n....i-im sorry..I rea-" ben began to say but I cut him off.

" get out now and dont comeback" I hissed. Sonic stayed and help me clean up the blood and band aid your nose. Soon after sonic and I got into an argument and he left.

So guys that was the first part
The next part is going to be up tommorow... goodbye

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