break up scenerio/ when they hurt you pt2

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Yea its been months but ya know school so... Enjoy this scenario along with this Tyler meme and kpop song❤❤❤


You were babysitting your 6 yr old niece milano. You and her were in the living room playing just dance. When the song was over you guys paused and sat down.

" aunty I'm hungry" she said smiling her big toothy smile.

"Alright then, let's go see what we have" you said standing up grabbing her hand to lead her into the kitchen. You sat her on the counter and began looking through your refrigerator.

" well how about...uh.. Carne Asada burritos?"

You looked down and saw two pieces of cheesecake that hoodie said DO NOT TOUCH. To you that means touch when nobody is looking. You needed to go shopping so you would just buy hoodie some more.

" oh my josh, do you want some cheesecake?"

"Yes please!"

"Okay then" you took the two pieces of cheesecake out the refrigerator and got out two plates and two spoons. You gave milano her piece and helped her down and you two sat at the table (I'm thinking about math😒) and began eating. Hoodie came in mad as hell slamming your front door. You and milano looked up.

"Hey hoodeh how was ur day" you asked.

"Bad my vic-" hoody stopped when he saw your niece and you eating his precious cheesecake.

" WHO THE FUCK IS THIS!?" he yelled. Milano flinched with a scared look on her face.

"Calm your titties babe this is my niece milano" you said introducing each other.

"She shouldn't be here and is THAT MY DAMN CHEESECAKE YOUR EATING!?" he said running to the refrigerator to find it on that very table.

"I TOLD YOU TO NOT touch it" he said calming down. Milano had tears in her eyes and you slowly getting angry about it.

"Calm down milano was hungry and there was only the cheesecake so I gave it to her, besides I have to go shopping in a few minutes" you said trying to explain but he weren't taking it to lightly.

"I'm sorry hoody" milano said. Hoodie turned to her with anger in his eyes.

"Sorry is not going to give me my CHEESECAKE BACK!". He screamed at her grabbing your glass cup and throwing it at her. It missed and hit the wall glass shattering making her get small cuts on her arm. She screamed and ran to the corner crying pissing you off.

" what the HELL HOODIE WAT IS YOUR PROBLEM!" you got up to get her but hoodie grabbed you by the arm pushing you into the wall.

" IM SICK AND TIRED OF YOU GOING INTO MY SHIT!" he kicked you in your stomache 3 times before throwing you to the floor. Milano screamed louder.


"Shut up you little bitch!" Hoody was about to hit her but you blocked her making him hit you in the face.

"GET OUT!" you yelled in pain and sadness and in anger.

"Gladly" he said and left.

"Aunty I'm sorreh'' she said.

"That's okay its not our fault" you said looking at her both of you teary eyed.

"How about after I clean up you and I both go shopping then go to the mall?" You offered.

"Okay!" She smiled.

Masked jack ass-

You and maskeh were walking around the park when bff/n came around wearing high wasted shorts and a (fav band/ singer) tshirt. When she ran to you she fell. Masky walked over to her and helped her up. Masky then began to flirt with her, making bff/n look at him funny.

"Hey y/n im going to the bathroom brb" she said and left after you nodded. Lookin down you turned to maskeh.

"Maskeh how come you never compliment me like that?".

" well I would but you have no breasts and no ass. That's like comparing Kylie Jenner to Taylor swift. Kylie Jenner is sexier than what Taylor is" he said scoffing.

" okay" you said silently crying. Bff/n came back you guys went to get ice cream. Sitting down masky sat next to bff/n but she notice something were wrong when you weren't talking to her.

"Y/n what's wrong?"

"No-" but maskeh cut you off.

"Nothing wrong with her" masky said eating his ice cream.

" bff/n do you think I'm ugly?"

"Why would you- masky what you say to her?"

" nothing just said she doesn't have a nice body like yours" he said shrugging. Bff/n was mad and so were you so you two stood up and dump your ice cream on him (sorry if this doesn't make sense, you went from being sad to angry).

"We are over" you said calmly and walked off with bff/n.

Helen (bloody painter)-

You and Helen was painting gorgeous sceneries.

Helen grabbed a little of red paint and put a little red dot on your house chuckling. You grabbed a little of your blue paint and lightly tapped his sky but noooo that made him angry.

" what the fuck y/n why you do that?" He said getting up throwing paint everywhere.

" jeez its only a tiny blue dot, you can't even see it like damn shut up, compared to yours, mine is more visible" you said flipping your hair like a boss.

" you ruined everything!" He hollered and took your painting braking it throwing it at you, hitting you in the head.

"OW YOU ASSHOLE" you said getting up.

" get out my house now! " he pointed at his door.

"Okay" you shuggered and walked out his basement heading up stairs to his kitchen grabbing a frying pan going back down stairs then hitting him, knocking him out then walking off like a muthafuckin savage👓.

There you go I spent an hour doing this and like I said bloody is not going to have his own scenerio so I'm going to add him in The next as scenerio❤

Buhbye my little astrology signs
(Hint next scenario)

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