Chapter 5 Unexpected Surprises

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"Good morning beautiful how'd you sleep Nick asked as he saw Demi slowly opening her eyes smiling ?"

"Good morning and I slept pretty good last night did you Demi asked smiling ?"

"I slept okay I guess, the chair wasn't the best thing I slept on Nick replied as he got out of the chair and sat on the bed with Demi."

"I don't understand why Selena would do that to me she's my best friend since kindergarten and now she's bullying me now can my life get any worse bad enough my dad died in a car accident when I was only five years old and it didn't help it was snowing and I had to stay with my mom, my younger sister Madison and my older sister Dallas but she doesn't live with us anymore cause she's twenty six years old and she has a boyfriend but anyways since the car accident I have been cutting myself and now I do it when I get bullied Demi explained as tears rolled down her face ."

"Selena told me that you couldn't make it cause you had plans and that's why you're in a coma and in this hospital bed with very uncomfortable chairs Nick replied wiping the tears out of Demi's eyes."

"I told her that I couldn't make it because I had a birthday party to go to and I had to lie cause you asked me out and I didn't want you to get mad because I went to Selena's birthday party instead of hanging out with you Demi said as more tears ran down her face."

"Demi, it's okay if you wanted to go to Selena's party instead of hanging out with me and I would totally understand because we would of done it the night after or next Friday night it is completely fine if you didn't wanna go on that date  Nick replied smiling ."

"If I would of known about that I could of went to Selena's party last night Demi explained wiping away her tears smiling."

"Its okay Demi , its just Selena has a very bad temper and she have to control it isn't your fault its Selena's fault if she learned how to control her temper you wouldn't be here and I wouldn't be here either Nick explained rubbing Demi's back smiling."

"I agree with you but Selena likes to protect me a lot and she doesn't understand that I can fight my own battles and she doesn't have to fight them for me  all the time Demi replied nodding  her head in anger ."

"Its good Selena's there for you but she has to learn how to control her temper around you and  her anger around you Nick said with a serious look on his face ."

"I know that Nick I know you don't have to remind me Demi replied trying to stay calm."

"I called your mom but they didn't show up how come Nick asked with a confused look on his face ?"

"My mom is always working and she usually busy 24/7 and I'm surprised that she'll show up this time Demi replied trying not to cry."

"Your not going to like this at all Nick said with a shocked expression on his face ."

"What am I not gonna like Demi asked in confusion ?"

"The principal just texted me and it said that Selena is in jail for 9 weeks for beating up Demi and an another female student after me and Selena had a chat and the mother of the student who got beaten up wanted to press charges against Selena for beating up her daughter and when they got to court the judge found Selena guilty and now she's in jail for nine weeks because of it Nick explained reading the text that he got from the principal. "

"You got to be joking Selena can't go to jail just because of beating up some other girl I might have an idea who she beat up Demi replied nodding her head in anger ."

"Who Nick asked with confusion ?"

"There was a girl who called me a fucking clown on the first day of school and Selena defended me and the girl called Selena my fucking clown friend and then she literally beat the shit out of her and Selena said she was going to finish the fight after school and I told her not do and she didn't listen to me because she said to me after the bell rang I was gonna go out and wait for mom to pick me up she said that she had "choir practice" so I have a very bad feeling that she didn't have choir and she finished the fight with that girl who called Me a fucking clown Demi explained trying not to cry."

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