Chapter 15 Four Months

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After Demi wakes up from a terrifying  coma  that lasted 2 months.. Nick and Demi got engaged after dating for almost two years.

(Demi's POV)
Last night I had a nightmare  about the baby that I've been carrying for four months  now and I'm hoping my nightmare doesn't come true because I really want to have this baby and if I do lose this baby I would probably won't have the strength to have another one because I will become depressed after the loss of the one wanted so much that I wanted to watch him or her grow up and have children of their own.

When I was trying to get out of bed and without feeling throwing up and my phone started blinking. I looked at the text it was Selena why is she texting me this early in the morning it's only 7:00 am I replied to the text message  because I didn't want to be rude.

*Text message*
Unknown number: Hey Demi it's me Selena I was wondering if you wanted to talk about the situation that happened 2 months ago over coffee ? - Selena ❤
Seen by Demi 💗
Demi : Sure what time ???
Seen by Unknown Number
Unknown Number: Around two or two thirty 😊
Seen by Demi 💗
Demi: Good see you there.
Seen by Unknown Number
Unknown Number: Okay sounds good see you later bye.
Seen by Demi 💗
Demi: Bye
Seen by Unknown Number
Demi left chat
Unknown Number  left chat

I tried  getting out of the bed without waking Nick up because he doesn't like it when I leave the bed especially  since I'm pregnant now.

°•••END OF DEMIS POV••°•°•
"Um.. Demi what are you doing up this early?; it's only 7:57 am." Nick asked as he slowly got out of the blankets and grabbed the alarm clock off the bedside and looked at it.

"I have to get up because Selena texted me and wanted to talk about  what happened and why she broke out the way she did and the thing you were talking about." Demi replied as she finally got up from her bed.

"But this early in the morning on a Saturday ? Nick asked as moaned trying to get back to sleep.

"I know it's early but she is going to be more honest with me this time and she's going to tell me everything." Demi replied  trying to get off the bed very carefully.

"When she picks you up from here I'm coming with you just because I don't want you  to get hurt just in case Selena hurts you or hits you Demi.. I don't trust her as much as I did previously when you guys were very close  because she put you in two COMAS and I'm surprised you survived the second one and the doctor said that if you go to another one you will  have no chance surviving and I don't want to go through the  hell  I went through four months ago of losing the only woman I love and if I lose you I don't know what I would do." Nick explained trying to convince Demi to go back to bed.

"I know what the doctor said but you will never  going to lose me Nick and I know that Selena put  you through hell  and back with me but you have to give Selena  another chance I know you don't really want to but just do it for me please  and after this talk with Selena  you can either like her or hate her for the rest of your life  but she will still  be my best friend no matter how much hell she put me and you through." Demi explained not trying to yell  at Nick.

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