Chapter 20 Not So Happy Ending

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After all of the drama  that has been going on  like Selena trying to ruin Demi's and Nick's relationship  by telling the whole world but  Selena finally got to accept their relationship  and today is the day of Demi's and Nick's wedding the day that they have been waiting for all  along.

(Demi's pov)
I feel so nervous about the wedding today I have been waking up off and on all night thinking about it. When I was about six years old I was obsessed with every Disney princess movie that had a wedding  in it and everytime I watched them I always dreamt of what my wedding would be like but I never thought it will ever come true because  I never thought I would ever get married because I didn't think anyone would fall in love with me or have kids with this person.

I don't know how Nick thinks that I'm the love of his life and everything but my mind  doesn't think so my mind thinks that  Nick  only in love with me and wants to marry me  to get his ex jealous..

■○■■□○■○■■○■○END OF DEMI'S POV  ○□□○□○□○□○□○

"Good morning my wife to be." Nick smiled as he kissed Demi's cheek.

"Good morning handsome." Demi replied as she kissed Nick's engagement ring.

"In a few hours your going to be my wife." Nick said as he started holding Demi's hand.

"I know , I can't wait," Demi replied trying not to worry.

"Why do look so sad today beautiful?"  Nick asked as he tried to get Demi to look at him but everytime Demi tried to look at him a tear will come down her face.

"I feel like you are faking that your in love with me." Demi replied as she started to cry more.

"Demi , Why would you think that I'm faking that I'm in love with you ?" Nick asked with a serious look on his face.

"I just have a really weird feeling that's all , I know I shouldn't be acting like this hours away from becoming officially becoming husband and wife but   I'm also scared that a few months from now you'll be cheating on me with some blond girl who is way more attractive then me and marry her and have kids with her." Demi explained as tears ran down her face like waterfalls.

"Demi ,one thing I'll never do is is fake my love to you because we both have been through hell and back together , we made love multiple times one time in Hawaii , we went on so many dates, we kissed on your favourite ride at the fair , and ever since I used to be a teacher at your school I was in love with you and now in a few hours I can say I love you as much as I want and there will be NO "blond" girl  be taking your place because it will never happen because your the one I want to be with for the rest of my life and nothing's going to change it." Nick explained as he looked into Demi's eyes very deeply wiping the tears out of her eyes.

"Do you mean it ?" Demi asked with a serious look on her face as she finally looked at Nick with more tears come down her face.

"Demi, I asked to marry you for a reason because I love you so much  it drives me insane  and your the most beautiful  woman  that I want to love forever and I promise you that there's will BE NO ONE else but you that I'm going to love  Please don't forget that." Nick replied as he wiped  Demi's  tears away.

"I'm sorry Nick for acting like this but I never thought this will ever happen to me because I never had someone who loves me for being myself not my body which is very strange cause all my other ex boyfriend's will only love me  for my body not for being myself but with you  my body doesn't matter to you." Demi  explained as she tried not to cry anymore.

"Demi , I want you forever for the rest of  my life and your body is beautiful and everything  about you  is what I love  especially your adorable laugh makes me crazy and I can go on forever saying how much I want you." Nick replied as he started kissing Demi's cheek.

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