Chapter 6

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This week has went by fast, and now I am packing to move in with the Sanders. My parents left about 2 hours ago. I don't really have to bring all of my things because we live right next door and I have a key to the house.

I walk out my door with my bags and make my way over to their house. I don't have to knock, so I make my way inside and find Mr. and Mrs Sanders in the kitchen. They are such a cute couple. Mrs Sanders has light blonde curls and hazel eyes, she's short and skinny, and has a to die for smile. Mr. Sanders is tall, has brown short hair, he has dimples when he smiles and his eyes are a light green. A shade lighter than Drakes beautiful eyes.

"Hey guys" I smile at them. "Hello Ashley" they both say in unison and return a smile. "Come me with, I'll show you your room" Mrs Sanders said as she make her way up the stairs. "Thanks Mrs Sanders" I say and follow her. "Call me Lisa" she says and opens up one of the doors. "This is your room for the next 3 months" she says and smiles.

"Thank you Lisa" I said as I walk into the room. The room is way bigger than mine at home. There's pictures hung up of flowers, and one of puppies. This is definitely the guest room. I sit my stuff down and sit down on the big bed I will be sleeping in. It's very comfortable and I already can't wait to sleep in it.

"Well the room across the hall is Drakes and the one next to it is the bathroom, I'll let you get settled in" she said and left to go join Mr Sanders again. I hung my clothes up in the closet and set everything else out where I need it.

A knock on my door came and Drake opened the door with a smirk on his face. "Hey loser" Drake said and sat on my bed. "Jerk" I said rolling my eyes at him. He's still mean to me sometimes and at school we act like we still hate each other. Am I stupid to think it's hard to act like you hate someone that you have sex with almost everyday?

"Do you like your room?" He asked sitting close to me. "I do. My bed is very cozy" I answer honestly. He leans over and kisses my forehead and my face turns a bit red. For some reason this makes me smile very big but as soon as I realize it, I try to hide my smile.

"You're face is red" he said and took a hold of my hand. "Wha.. What are you doing?" I ask gently holding on to his hand. "To be honest I don't know" he said and kisses me on my lips. It feels so passionate and for a minute I think he's gonna put his tongue in my mouth but he doesn't. He continues to kiss me softly and his hands doesn't grope anything, they stay on my face and his other hand is holding mine. He breaks the kiss for just a moment, "but this feels right" he said as he kisses me again and pins me down under him.

We kissed for hours, no sex, no taking each others clothes off. We just layed there, hands on each others face and kissed. It was romantic and passionate but I can't help but wonder why he is doing this.


Days passed and I couldn't believe how sweet Drake was being. I literally couldn't believe someone that is capable of being so mean is treating me so amazing. He even took me to lunch the other day, but of course he told everyone his mom made him since I have to live with them for a few months.

Right now I'm getting myself ready for school, Drake has been driving me. Of course he also tells everyone that he has to take me because his mom makes him. Oh well. I'm wearing a black shirt that ties in te front and some blue jeans with a pair of flats. Yes, I love my flats.

I went down stairs and ate a small bowl of cereal. Drake walked down stairs, looking very tired and a mess. "What's wrong with you?" I joked with him as I put my bowl in the sink. He just looked at me and walked passed me, grabbing his keys and walking out the door. I followed him outside expecting to get inside his car with him, but he locked the door and sped off without me.

I can't believe he did this! If he didn't want to take me to school he could of just said so. I am beyond pissed! I went inside and got my keys and left for school. When I got there, Drakes car wasn't even there. I decided I would sit in my car for a bit to make sure he actually comes to school.

About ten minutes later Drake arives with Sarah Hedrick with him. I can't say anything to him, everyone would be suspicious. I'll talk to him when I get home though, that's for sure! School went by slow, every class dragged on. Everytime I'd see Drake he would look pissed. I have no clue what I did to make him mad.

I got to the Sanders and went up stairs to do my homework. I put in my headphones and turned my music on, trying to think about anything but Drake. It's kind of crazy how just a few weeks ago, all I could think about is Ausin. Now, all I think about is Drake.

I heard the door slam and I was so scared I almost fell off the bed. My headphones were out of my ears and I had fallen asleep. I opened my door to see Drake walking up the stairs. "Look I don't know what's wrong with you but I haven't done anything! I don't know why you're treating me like crap now!" He looks at me with literally no emotion. He's not even mad, it's like there's nothing there.

"I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to look at you. And most importantly I don't want to touch you. Leave me the hell alone Ashley." Drake says as he walks into him room and slams his door. Fine, his wish is my command. I'll leave him alone, but I have a feeling this won't last long.

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