Chapter 23

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Drakes POV

It's a scary feeling.. Wondering what you are even feeling right now because honestly my body feels numb as I lay here in this ditch. I can't open my eyes.. And I can't hear out of one ear. I could be missing an arm or leg and I wouldn't even know.

I wish someone would find me. I want Ashley. I want my family. I want everything normal again...

Laying here really makes me think of everything.. Makes me think if I'm going to ever see the people I truly love and care about again.

I left Ashley asleep in bed.. I'm sure she knows I'm gone by now. I wonder where I am and if I'm even in the same town as them. It wouldn't surprise me if they drove outside of town and leave me here.

Laying here with my thoughts I feel like there's something or someone around me. I do my best to open my eyes.. I just can't.

I feel my body being lifted up, but in all honesty I couldn't tell you if it was real or if I was just feeling things. I feel my body shutting down slowly..


Ashley's POV

Drakes been gone for a long time now and I've been worried for hours. I woke up around 4 this morning wondering where he was. He didn't even tell me he was going to leave.. I hope he's okay.
I've tried calling and texting him. Every time it goes to his voicemail. I don't understand.

Laying here with all these thoughts, I hear someone down stairs. More than likely it's Drakes dad.


I threw on my clothes as fast as I could and ran down stairs. Tears are falling down my face. I'm scared. So scared.

"What happened!!?"

"I don't know. People found him in a ditch and said he was beaten very badly. We have to go now!!!"

We ran and got into the car and now we are making our way to the hospital Drake is at. I can't believe this. I'm terrified. I wonder if this is how Drake felt when I was in the hospital.

It's going to take us a while before we get there and I wish it wasn't. I wish we were already there. They found him in a whole other town. I'm going to the cops about this, I'm sure it was Austin.

Why can't anything go right? I just don't get it.


GUYS!! I'm so so so so sorry. I haven't wrote in so long and I'm honestly sorry for it. Honestly I quit writing because I started dating someone.. and today, they broke up with me. Some of my fans, if you will message me. I'd love to have someone to talk to. I love you guys and this is way short like always and I'm sorry. Atleast it's something!


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