Chapter 28

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Drakes POV

Today is supposed to be a good day. Ashley and I are supposed to finish packing and be excited about the Bahamas but all I can think about is the phone call I just got. It's 7 in the morning and I woke up at 6:30 from a phone call. It was a girl named Samantha, I slept with her a few times and she told me she was pregnant and it was definitely mine.

What am I going to do? If I tell Ashley she might hate me.. She might break up with me, and I couldn't ever take losing her. She's my life, my everything. I was planning on proposing soon too. I'm saving money for a ring and I was going to actually go pick it out today while her and her mom do some last minute shopping before the trip.

I should still get the ring and propose. It shouldn't stop me and Ashley from being happy, but I can't act like it's not happening either. I'm going to be a father at 18 years old and she a going to be a single mother unless she finds a boyfriend that wants a teenage mom as a girlfriend. I feel so terrible, but I want to be in this babies life. It's the right thing to do right?

All these questions are going through my head and I can't take it anymore. I take the keys off the nightstand and drive. I drive to the gas station down the road from us and fill the car up, not even worrying about the price when I really should be. I don't have money to blow around like this, but I'm done thinking about it as I drive off.

Driving around the back roads going much faster than I should, really makes me feel better. I'm going 70 in a 50 and I should really slow it down before a cop catches me. I slow it down to 55 and turn the music up. Drowning out my thoughts for a good while, I check the clock to see it's already ten am.

I drive back to the house to see Ashley and Mom already awake eating breakfast in the kitchen. Mom eating an egg sandwhich and Ash eating her cereal like she does every morning. I should really cook for her one morning, that's if I actually get up earlier than her for once.

"Where have you been?" Mom asked, Ashley starring at me, making me feel paranoid.

"Just out. It's a pretty morning, can't a guy go out for a drive?" I said probably sounding a bit too defensive.

"Well yes I suppose so." Mom said as she puts her plate in the sink.

"Are we still going out for lunch today Drake?" Mom asked.

"Yes ma'am we are. How about 1?" I ask and smile at her. Hoping she doesn't notice me starting to sweat or notice my hands had started to shake, which is what I do when I am nervous.

"Sounds good honey. Go take a shower and start getting ready soon okay" Mom said as she walked into the living room turning on the television.

*** later on that day ***

Mom and I just ate at Apple Bees and are now on our way to the mall. Mom wants to look for new clothes then we are going to stop by a jewelry store to look at rings. I have to tell mom about Samantha. It's the right thing to do but I'm scared to tell her.

I'm so scared she's going to be disappointed in me.. Hell. I'm disappointed in myself honestly.

"Mom.." I started to say, but choked after the first word. I'm shaking, I don't know how to tell her this.

"Yes Drake?" She said sounding concerned, probably hearing the fear in my voice as well as the shakiness.

"This girl at school.. We were messing around before I got with Ashley.. She called me this morning and she's pregnant.." I barely got out.......


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