Chapter 25

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Ashley's POV

Weeks have passed and no sign of Austin, Sarah, or the men that attacked Drake. The police are looking for them as we speak. Drake got dismissed from the hospital about a week and a half after he woke up. Things have been pretty rough lately with Drake, but he needs me here and I'm going to make sure I take care of him just like he has always taken care of me, Drake is the greatest thing to ever happen to me, and I can truly say I am in love with Drake.

The doctors said it would take a while for Drake to getting back to his self but he is doing so much better already. Only one more week and he will be getting back on his feet and doing everything for his self again. It makes me so happy seeing him get better, because it was so hard watching him so vulnerable and not be able to do anything for his self.

Drakes been sleeping in his room by his self because I move around a lot in my sleep and I didn't want to hurt him. I've been sleeping in the guest bedroom, but tonight I will try to sleep in his bed with him again. Last week Drake tried to fool around with me but I told him no. I could tell he was still too sore to do too much and that was way out of the question. But you know how Drake is. He is still going to try.

Right now I am cleaning up a bit, and washing some clothes while Drake is resting. He still has another 3 weeks before they cut his cast off and check his arm. His cast is his favorite color, bright green, He has had so many friends over and they have all signed his cast. We decided we're going to do this online system of school and we will even graduate sooner than we would of in school. Drakes mom has already enrolled us both in it and I started last week. Drake will start once he is feeling better.

As I'm cleaning up a bit, I hear Drake upstairs moving around so I go up and check on him. The bathroom door is closed but the light is on, so I knock on the door.

"Ash?" Drake asked.

"Just me babe. I wanted to check on you." I said as he opened the door for me and le't me in. He used his good arm and pulled me close to him. I'm guessing his ribs are not hurting as much because he is able to have me pressed against him. Drake kissed me with pas'sion. Slowly and soft at first then he gently nibbled on my bottom lip. I giggled and ended the kiss and looked into his eyes. They are so beautiful and I was right before. I really could stare at them all day.

"I love you Ashley" Drake said smiling and kissing my cheek.

"I love you too Drake" I said as I helped him out of his clothes. I knew he could do it, he does it almost every day unless I help him but still. I sorta like undressing him.

"Wanna join me?" Drake asked giving me that smirk of his I know so well.

"If I do that I think shower time would turn into sexy time" I joked with him.

"Come on in then babe" Drake said as he turned the water on and wrapping his arm so the water doesnt ge't into his cast.

"I've got cleaning to do sweetie. Rain check? Remember I'm sleeping in your bed tonight" I said winking at him and closing the door.

I go back to my cleaning and as soon as I'm done I hear a loud knock on the door. "Coming!" I yell as I walk to the door. Opening the door, I see two police officers with many papers in their hands. I don't recognize these cops but I'm guessing there's a lot on this case.

"Can I help you guys?" I say to them

"We actually have some leads about Austin and the two men who attacked Mr. Sanders. Is he here?" One cop says.

"Yes he is showering right now, come on inside he should be done soon." I welcome them inside and have them sit on the couch.

"I'll be back in a moment" I say and run upstairs to Drake.

"Hey babe"

"Yeah Ash"

"Two cops are here. They say they have some leads on Austin and the two men"

"I'll be down in a few baby"

I go downstairs and tell them Drake will be down shortly and wait patiently on him to come. I'm ready to get this over with and behind us.

A/N new cover photo for this story! does anyone like it ?? let me know!
and would anyone make any photos for the story and I'll take turns using them! just message me if you make one and you can send it to me! Thanks everyone! Love you all! xoxo

btw you all can still
follow me on Instagram and comment telling me you're a fan and I'll follow back! mine is @_amberlockhart


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