Robert's Class

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I was shocked of what Robert said. Did he really mean that? He's sweet, charming, lovable, and most of all he is SEXY. There is so many women aged like him. But, WHY ME? I was flattered when Robert sneaked up on me. It was sweet. I really don't kno what to say, so I just turned my back and head towards the cafeteria. There was nothing delicious in the cafeteria, starting tomorrow, I WILL BRING MY OWN REFRIGIRATOR WITH ME. Oh yeah, I don't have one. I'm gonna bring packed stuff. Cafeteria food is just disgusting.

I didn't eat lunch, my next period was Robert's. I have nothing to do, I have already found my locker, So off I go to my Prince, I mean PROFESSOR. I peeped through the glass window of the door, and see Robert facing his computer while he has Diet Coke and Shawarma at his side. I knocked on the door. "I'm on my break!" Robert answered with a mouth full, without even glancing to the door. "Mr. Downey, uhmm It's me, Shariah." I answered hesitantly. "Oh, I'm sorry." He quickly got up off his chair and unlocked the door. He pulled me in to his CLASSroom, then locked the door again.

"Why so early?"

"Cafeteria food is disgusting, I didn't eat lunch"

"Want some?" He took a bite of his shawarma and offered it to me.

"It's ok Mr. Dow-"

"Uh uh uh. Don't call me Mr. Downey, when we're not in class."

I rolled my eyes, "Ok whatever, OLD MAN" I emphasized the word Old man.

He took off his glasses and stared at me.

"What did you just called me?" With a seductive smirk on his face.

"Nothing, old man" I giggled

"Now you are getting it." He stood up, and walked towards me. I got up as quickly as I could and tried to run away from him. He was so fast, he wrapped his arms around my waist. He locked his arms so I can't escape. "Ok, now what did you call me?" He whispered in my ear with his soft, deep voice. I faced him and said "OL-" before I can finish, he kissed me. I tried resisting his Charm but I can't, I gave in. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and started playing with his hair. His arms were sliding up and down my waist. He pushed me towards the wall and broke the kiss, he is still leaning against the me and the wall. "Am I still the old man?" "No, no, no, no you are not." "We'll continue this later Ms. Parker" Man! This guy can kiss! Even though he ate shawarma his minty breath still takes over. We sat down on our own chairs. I was sitting in the front row of the class, right infront of Robert. He took a sip from his Diet coke and offered me shawarma. "You are gonna need energy, for later." He gave me one of those seductive smiles. I blushed and bowed my head down, in order for him not to see me. "I left someone blushing, didn't I?" He laughed and so did I.

=Robert's POV=

We talked about so many random things. Before we know it the bell rang. I unlocked the door, and one by one, students filled the room. I made them face to the back of the classroom and analyze the problems I gave to them as an assignment. Why did I made them face back? So I can simply flirt with Shariah OFCOURSE! Im not all about the looks you know, I'm a wise man! Once everything was clarified no more questions were asked. I took out my Iphone and started texting Shariah.

"Later, My house, After class."

I saw her took out her phone, then quickly got a reply.

"I never thought the Professor would be the one breaking the rules in the classroom."

"Hey, you didn't respond to my request. Yes or No?"

"Ok fine, did you intentionallu placed the homework at the back to text me."

"No, I did not."

She looked at me, I smiled at her then She smiled back. Why the hell is this girl so cute? There is always something special in everything she does. Yes, I've only known her for 3 days, but I can feel this is gonna be somthing special. I started texting her back again.

"Shariah, do you mind if I ask you, do you have a bf?" What da f*ck Robert!? What's got into you? Oh well, It's already been sent. I hate myself. But I still love my face, charm and sexiness though.

"Nah.. No Boyfriend Since Birth"


"I'm waiting 4 the perfect one."

"Hey you know what? "Perfect" has 7 letters and so does "Meeeeee" Coincidence? I think not."

"You Dork" Before she sent this she looked at me and laughed.

"Im your Dork :P"

"Your period is my last class, Ill just talk to you after class. I need to concentrate. Don't want my grades to be down underground."

I told you! She is different! She loves what she is doing! She is perfect! God? Is she the one? Can't wait for the bell to ring.

The bell rang and I thought she was only done copying, She even answered her homework already. Smart, Beautiful, Charming, She has everything that you can ask for. What more to ask?


I'm speechless I've got nothing to say.

Happy 110 reads My Girl! Spread the Downey Love! Stay Awesome!

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