Oh Hi Robert! Oh wait, WHAT?!?!

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I drove up to the University.. I went to the Registrar's office hoping to get my time table. It took me like firever to get my time table. I can't get Robert out of my mind, why? Snap out of it Shariah. After 12 years of searching fie the Registrar's Office. I'm sorry i exaggerated it took me 12 minutes to go there. I stood infront of the counter and the woman said "Name please" I wasn't paying attention because I was thinking why is Robert Excited to see my time table. She repeated it again a little louder than the first one " Name Please"

"P-p-parker, Shariah Parker" I stuttered. "Oh so new here. I hope you enjoy CSU." The lady said to me with a grin. "Thanks, I think I will."

I left the office. I looked at my time table to see my first class was Philosophy conducted by Mr. Sandler. His classroom was located Westford hall, my locker is somewhere that building. I searched for the room "WH 206" I analyzed the room number and found out something usefull. "Now I see! This means Westford Hall, 2nd floor, 6th room." How dumb am I to not even noticed that? I still haven't found my locker, but I am running out of time so I went to the second floor and went to the sixth room. I think I'm right. I knocked on the door.

"Is this Philosophy class, conducted by Mr. Sandler?"

"Yes it is, please come in and take a seat."

I sat there and took out my binder and a pen. Not much time has passed and students came into the room one by one. The time that the bell rang, the room was already filled with students. "Ok class settle down. I see that we have a new student here. Would you please stand up and introduce yourself." Mr. Sandler said while smiling at me. I stood up and introduced myself the old U way. "Hi, my name is Shariah, Shariah Parker. Just call me Sha, or call me anything you want but not fat. Or else I would find you and kill you in your sleep." The class suddenly fell quiet. They were staring at me as if I'm a murderer. "I'm just joshing with you guys!" Everyone let out a deep sigh and laughed. " We have a real comic here" Mr. Sandler said as he was laughing like a retarded hyena. "Thank you Shariah for introducing yourself. Ok class, Im gonna do you all an favor and dismiss you early, BUT read your book pages 345-359." The class was dismissed before we know it. Which gave me more time to search for my stupid locker. The bell had rung and I haven't seen my locker yet. I didn't examine my time table, I just took the room number and ran towards there.

As I opened the door I saw Robert roaming around the classroom "Yay, THIS IS GREAT!" Robert said and jumped like a little girl. "Well you are early, well where di you sit?" I said while smiling at him. He pointed at the teacher's table, and my mouth gaped shaped like an O. "Do you really think I'll be your classmate or something? Im already 41" He giggled. Fuck he is so cute! "Wait, WHAT?!?!? You are my PROFESSOR?" "I think so. I teach Math" Oh god. The time that I think Im falling for a man is an epic fail. Hw is twice as my age, and plus HE IS MY PROFESSOR?!?!?!?! He can't stop smiling at me the whole period. I thinks he likes the reaction he gets from me. I was like "What da fuq?" As the bell rang students got out of the classroom and I was the last one to go out. As I reached the door I felt strongs on pulling back my hand. It was Robert. " did I shock you today Ms. Parker? I liked your reaction you were really cute." I started to blush. " Actually Mr Dow-" He cutted me off "Stop calling me Mr. Downey, we're not in class anymore. Just call me Robert." "Actually Mr- I mean Robert, you quite did." "Can I walk you home after class? Since we just live in the same spot, in the same street." I started to blush even more. "O-ok" I stuttered, I like the way how he looks in his cute glasses.

3rd and 4th period went on so fast. I can't wait for our walk home. I had to leave my car in school just to have a walk with Robert. As I exited the door, I saw Robert waiting for me. He was wearing his teacher outfit. I stand corrected. He really DOES look like a teacher. As we walked home we talked about many stuff. Hobbies, Likes, Our Lifes, as soon as we know it we were at home. since he lives across street We can chat whenever we want. So much for that, I THINK I'M FALLING FOR MY PROFESSOR!


I got excited making the story. It's currently 12am here in the Philippines. And I have class early in the morning. So sorry for the crappy chapter. Hope you guys like it! Feel free to comment.

The Self-Proclaimed Awesome Author


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