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"What the hell were you thinking?" Haden dragged me into the house by my wrist. She might have preferred to be dragging me in by my ear, but she wouldn't have gotten me very far, since I was still too drunk to function without a sober-eye-dog.

"I wanted to get back at her," I said as I stumbled after up the stairs behind her to my bedroom.

"For what?"

"She thinks I can't be friends with Priest, without getting hurt."

"What?" Haden pushed me down on my bed. Perfectly content with my flopped position, I watched her search my closet for non-whore clothing. "She just doesn't like him. None of us do. He's a freaking priest who didn't get taken at reckoning. Imagine what he must have done to deserve that."

"He's not bad! He's just broken!" I yelled much louder than necessary.

"Shut... up." Haden clamped her fingers together, indicating how my mouth should be. I should have said "fuck you," but the alcohol decided that crying was a much more scathing riposte. "Oh, for crap's sake, Lenore, you are so bad at drinking."

She knelt down before me and pulled off my high heels before removing my dress. "I'm sorry, Haden," I whined. She glanced up before pulling me to stand. "I shouldn't have tried to sleep with Devin. I know how much you love him."

"Love...? What...?" She sighed. "Is that why you never went for him? Cause you thought I would be mad?"

I nodded and sniffled. "Wouldn't you be?"

"Hell yes, but no more mad than if you ate my chips. I hate to share."

I shook my head. "You two can pretend all you want, but I see how much you want each other."

Haden grabbed an extra big wad of tissues from my bedside table and shoved it to my nose. "Blow." I blew and she viciously pinched away what must have been assaulting her view. "Look, you do whatever you want with Devin. I might be mad, but I'll get over it. This is the end of days. I've got no reason to hold a grudge, especially against one of my sisters."

"Sisters?" I asked.

"Yeah, stupid, what did you think we were?"

"I thought you hated me," I said.

"No," she snarled. "I don't hate you. I like you, but you do annoy the crap out of me, so yeah, that makes us sisters, right?"

I hugged her. I wasn't sure it was the alcohol either. She had never expressed anything but irritation toward me. I was relieved she didn't hate me. She returned the embrace for a moment, and aside from my partial nudity, and my nose threatening to leak on her shirt, it was nice.

After she pushed me away, she proceeded to dress me like a child: pulling my pants up for me, and slipping my arms into my shirt. I buttoned my pants and tucked in the shirt. She pressed on my back to usher me back downstairs, but I hugged her instead. She tried to pull away, but I tightened my grip, and she gave in. I thanked her and released her.

The second hug was definitely the alcohol.

We came downstairs and found the party had moved into the kitchen, so we joined everyone there. My approach slowed as I sensed the family meeting ambiance. Haden jerked my wrist and nodded her head up at me, indicating that I should keep my chin up or be brave, or some such inspirational bullshit.

"Hellooo sexy," Devin drawled shortly before Haden punched him in the gut on the way by. It must have hurt because he didn't say anything more. Haden sat down at the table with Garrett and August. Devin was standing, leaving one open chair available opposite Garrett.

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