Sixteen Seconds

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At some point, the gunfire started and every last grim was dispatched with the precision of military discipline, including the one under me. I scrambled to August's side searching for something to do. Even as I searched, she shook her head at me.

"August..." My eyes looked onto hers, stinging with the knowledge that we didn't have much time. "I'm so sorry. I couldn't..."

She shushed me. "You have to take care of them," she whispered.

"I will. I promise."

"You have to take my place."

"I could never replace you." My eyes welled over with tears.

"You have to lead them; promise me." She looked me over insistently.

"I promise. August, please, don't leave me. I can't do this without you."

"You are so much more than you know. You have to believe that."

I didn't, but I nodded.

Haden and Devin arrived, falling next to August. They went through the same motions I just had, searching for something to do, but quickly realizing there was nothing. There was just enough time for them to grip her hands and match her gaze before her eyes turned vacant and her head lolled back.

A set of stifled, whimpered and stuttered sniffles were all that we could manage to do at the moment. It was Garrett who contributed a solemn ululation of agony. I hadn't even noticed him standing behind me until then. I wanted to leap up and console him, but when his emotional roil was over, he gave me a scorching glare that broke my heart.

When I looked back at my beloved August, I noticed that Haden and Devin were giving me similarly scathing expressions. I could see the disappointment in their eyes.

This was what my training was about. I was supposed to be there to save her and I wasn't. I had failed her. I had failed my team. I had failed myself. And yet somehow through all that, I had to find a way to keep my promise to August and take her place.

The End of Book 1: Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. Please continue on and read book 2 "Cow Tipping After the Apocalypse" available on Amazon right now.

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