Say it Ain't So

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It was true that August was always my hero. No matter where I was, what I was doing, if I was in danger, she was magically there. I don't mean to say that she had super powers—although that could still be debated—but that she was just a very good hero.

In most situations that wouldn't have changed, but over the last few weeks, Devin had become my number one fan. He was like a brother, a lover—minus the sex—and a loyal puppy all rolled into one. I presumed some of the extra attention was out of guilt for leaving me behind, but also, I think he just missed me.

At that point in the evening, it was a toss-up of which one was going to come to my rescue. When it turned out to be neither of them, I was a little disappointed, yet pleasantly surprised.

It didn't take Haden long to wrestle Garrett down and stick her Glock nearly up his nose. "Don't you fucking move!" she shouted at him.

"What's going on?" Devin's run came to a halt beside August. He looked over the scene. Haden on top of Garrett, August stunned beyond words, and me, doubled over with a bloody nose.

"This asshole just hit Lenore!" Haden yelled, jerking Garrett's collar. He just lay on the ground beneath her, quiet and defenseless. His gun was out of reach on his waistband under Haden's knee—just as she intended it to be.

Devin came to me, but I waved him off. I didn't want to be touched at that moment, let alone consoled in front of Garrett. Must be strong in front of the man that hits you. What's the difference between bravery and pride again?

"Lenore! Why didn't you stop him?" August admonished me. "I saw you shift. You were ready for him. You stopped at the last second. Why?"

"Because she's stubborn!" Garrett yelled. Haden shifted her gun to cold-cock him and I shook my head in disapproval. She opened herself up. Her first mistake was not tossing his gun right away. Her second mistake was staying on top of him. Her third mistake was moving her barrel away from the target.

Garrett grabbed her hands and flipped her over his head with the help of his strong legs. Before she could recover, he was up and pointing his gun back at her. "Looks like I could teach you a thing or two as well," he vaunted.

"Garrett!" August scolded him and he immediately put away his gun. "Haden!" It took a little longer for Haden, but eventually she holstered it.

"What the hell is going on?" Devin asked again, not satisfied with the aftermath display.

"I won't dance for them, and he's pouting... with his fists," I answered.

Garrett approached me and Devin stepped in his way. "You don't touch her again," Devin snarled.

"Garrett, we didn't need to test her here," August objected. "Why did you hit her so hard? I think you broke her nose."

"What?" I instinctively reached for my nose. It felt swollen. "Oh man! I don't want a bent nose!" Everyone glanced at me like they couldn't believe that was the only thing I was worried about.

"It's not that bad," Garrett said, eyeing me from behind the wall of Devin. "If you call off your playboy here, I'll check it."

"I'll take care of it," August volunteered and came over to look at me. She raised her hand to touch me and I batted her away. "Lenore..."

"Why are you coddling me now? The damage is done."

"I didn't know he was going to punch you. I thought he was just going to scare you."

I laughed hard and loud. The only person that got the joke was Garrett, but he didn't join in. Everyone else looked concerned by my maniacal reaction, which made the resentment I was harboring that much stronger.

"I don't mean now. I mean, why are you coddling me after my three months are over? Your sympathy for my pain is useless. Your heroics against my abuser are too little, too late. You wanted me trained. I'm trained. You just didn't ask him how he was going to do it!"

"Garrett?" August looked to her brother with the question that Devin never wanted to ask me. "I told you to go slow with her."

"We did go slow." Garrett moved around Devin to stand behind me. He was in view of everyone but me. I tensed as instinct taught me, or perhaps that was one of Garrett's lessens as well. "Didn't we, Lenore?" I didn't nod, but I tilted my head to keep him in my peripheral vision. "Once we established that we weren't playing anymore, we made great strides."

Everyone looked at me for the answer and I shook my head. "You wanted me trained," I said flatly turning all their ire for Garrett back on them. "I'm trained. Every scar was a lesson learned from a mistake not to be repeated." I pulled my hair aside to show the full length of my head scar that went through to the bone. Devin grimaced at the view. Haden looked like she was seeing it for the first time. August just looked down. She must have suspected it was a hard three months, she just didn't realize how hard.

"So, thank you for defending me, but Garrett's fists are the least of my concern. I imagine this—" I touched my cheek under my eye where the majority of the pain was, "—is the only way he knows how to say hello to me."

I looked back at him. The expression on his face was a little dumbfounded, but not enough for me to feel I'd succeeded in anything. "Hi, by the way." I walked off, not offering anyone the opportunity to say anything to make me feel better, or make themselves feel better.

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