Cupid's Arrows

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Despite Garrett's obvious hint about choosing him over Devin, he hadn't made any attempts to seduce me beyond being a little less brusque. I had all but refused to do any more training, but he talked me into working on my archery skills. Since I was already good at that, I didn't feel like it would be too much trouble.

Famous last words.

"Five. Eight. Twelve. Six. Two. Two! Faster Lenore!"

"I'm dizzy!" I said after the second attempt at the two o'clock target went into the cab of a rusted-out car instead of in the circle drawn on the door. I put the bow down and closed my eyes.

"Lenore." My name was more often a scold than an address from him.

"I can't go that fast."

"Turn your head first and then your body," he said, manually turning my neck and then forcefully turning my hips. It made me falter, but he held me up.

"Okay!" I screamed at him and took a few deep inhalations that didn't help the dizziness, but kept me from punching him again.

"Are you ready?" he asked, walking out in front of me.

"I think so."

"Are you ready?"

"Yes!" I yelled. "Are you going to move, so I don't hit you?"

"If you're as good as you claim, then you shouldn't hit me."

"Are you willing to bet your life on that?"

"Yes," he said without hesitation. I frowned at him for the overconfidence. "Nine!"

He continued to yell out the numbers and I proceeded to pull arrows and fire. I slowed when I had to hit a target near him, but the extra half second ensured a bullseye. I managed to increase the speed between the targets while still getting a good aim. When all the arrows were used we collected them again.

"You are pretty good," Garrett said as we came back to my mark.

"Ooh, a compliment; are you sure my ego won't burst my head? I'm surprised you haven't erupted into flames just for offering it."

"That's funny, Lenore," he said, stone-faced.

"Is it? I can't tell, Tin Man."

He shoved the arrows into my quiver. "Just because I don't guffaw like a jackass, doesn't mean I don't have a sense of humor. Line up to the twelve o'clock target."

"Guffaw!" I snorted and adjusted my position. "Shit, I'd be happy with a smile."

"I said line up." Garrett jerked my hips to a closed stance despite my preference for an open stance. "What is this, day one of archery class?"

"Yes, sir." I saluted. "Would you like me to lick your boots, sir?"

Garrett repositioned and presented me with a fake smile. "How's that?"

"That'll do," I mocked, turning his phrase back on him.

"Damn, you're spicy today. Anything in particular bothering you, other than my demeanor?" He raised his hand to his ear when I didn't say anything. "So, nothing else is bothering you other than me just being me?" I shook my head. "How about this, Lenore? How about you straighten your damn shoulders and shoot that target." He pointed to the target like I might have been confused as to what a target was. "Every last arrow, as straight and true as you are capable."

"That's it? Just shoot my arrows at one target. What's the catch?"

"The catch is I'm going to be distracting you. Don't pay attention to me, just shoot. If you go outside the target line even once, then you cook and clean tonight. Deal?"

"Deal," I said, confident in my skills. "Just tell me when to start."

Garrett moved around behind me and gave me the go-ahead. I managed to get two clean shots off as he clapped his hands by my ears. He pulled a cluster of hair from my head, but I hit my target.

For an arrow or two, he did nothing and I braced myself for something painful. When I felt him press his body against mine, I floundered for a moment. "Keep shooting. Pause and you forfeit," Garrett warned.

I shot true even when his hands reached under my shirt to caress my stomach. He pinched me hard, but I ignored it. I could see his plan and I wasn't going to let him distract me with pleasure or pain.

I cleared my mind of assumptions and pressed on to finish my task. When he kissed the back of my neck, I nearly fell over from shock, but the arrow made it to the target. Barely.

His hand went farther up my shirt, not bothering to stop at just threatening the gates of the castle. "What...?" Was all I got out.

"Keep shooting," he whispered as he caressed my breasts, teasing my nipples.

I couldn't believe how far he was taking his challenge. I also couldn't believe that I was letting him. Cooking and cleaning didn't suck enough to be manhandled in this way—not that I wasn't enjoying it. My arrow hit the bullseye, which surprised even me.

"That's good, Lenore; three more arrows. Do you want to quit?"

I grabbed for another arrow and his hands went back down my shirt. I hit the target. He skirted the waistband of my jeans, but he kept his hands above the denim as he traveled down. I hit the target, but just. I reached for the last arrow and I could feel my hands shaking. I was fully aware that I was taking a little longer nocking the last arrow.

I took my aim as his hands gripped my thighs just outside of where I wanted them. I held my breath for the release and out of anticipation. He backed away just before I shot the arrow. The sudden lack of support behind me made me aware of how much I was leaning against him. I faltered and my aim suffered for it. The arrow landed in the grass behind the target.

"Oh, too bad." Garrett smiled at me. "You were this close." He displayed his nearly closed fingers for effect. "How unsatisfying for you."

I'm not sure what glaring expression I wanted to offer, but the smile on his face which was at my expense was snuffing out my anger with another emotion. I nodded. "Yeah." I headed to the house, not bothering to collect my arrows.

"We aren't done," Garrett called after me.

"Yes." I turned to face him so he could see how serious I was. "We are. I'll fix dinner and I'll clean up, but I want you out of my house tomorrow morning. I can tolerate the bruises. I can live with your cold, uncommunicative personality. But I won't stand for this teasing game. I'm not lonely enough for that."

He didn't offer the sheepish look I expected. He just looked stoic as usual.

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