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The Moon Spot
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My stomach tightened as it got darker and darker outside. Harry had said over and over again that he would "protect me from the dark", as he convinced me to stay to show him the Moon Spot. After about an hour of him continuously harping me about it, I gave in. Agreeing to stay until after dark.

Which I already regret.

"C'mon, Geo. Hurry up!" Harry tugged at my arm on the way to the glorious spot, the map in hand as we made our way there. His calloused fingers felt rough but blissful against the soft skin of my arm.

"Okay, fine," I gave in, walking at his pace at me got closer to the spot on the map. My heart was beating against my ribcage as the dark grew more ominous, swallowing the entire forest in minutes.

"Are we almost there?" Harry asked, handing me over the map. He had pressed brown fingerprints to the edges as he held the map throughout the day. But I didn't take it negatively. It was a memory from him, I suppose.

I looked down, running my fingers along the trails and such with what light we had left. Which, wasn't much.

"Yeah." Harry's smile shot up, his dimples carving into his cheeks as he started to walk even faster. The light disintegrated before our very eyes. Only making my entire being buzz with anxiety and my heart to flip. His soft hands held mine with ease. Making my heart calm at only the pure touch of his fingers against the warm skin of my palm.

"I should've said no," I spoke out loud. The quietness of the forest at night was deafening, yet I dealt with it tonight just to show this damned charming boy my favorite place in the forest.

"Well, I'm glad you said yes," Harry said with a cheeky smile. Sticking his tongue out at me, making my eyes roll instinctively with a small smirk. He continued to drag me along. His soft fingertips laying against the soft, cold skin of my palm. It made my insides stop with the constant buzz in my body. It was bliss.

A bit of moonlight peaked out from the cluster of trees a bit ahead. Making my face light up in the pitch blackness of the forest. I started to run, dragging Harry behind me as I ran towards my favorite place in the entire forest.

"Jesus, Geo. Were you in track in high school or something?" Harry asked, his arms swinging along with our bodies as we ran. My feet trailing ahead of his because of my speed compared to his, though his legs were much, much longer than my own.

I stopped running as we finally got to the spot. A cluster of trees being the only thing that seperated me and the vacant circle of space that held no trees, no plants, only grass and the bright moonlight that filled your body with a lively lull of calmness that made a smile craft on to your features in seconds.

I looked forward to Harry reacting to it. How his face would light up and his dimples would carve into his cheeks. How his eyes that were the color of sea glass were going to light up under the shine of the moonlight. How is eyes were going to crinkle at the sides because his smile got too much for his face. It was going to be amazing.

I looked back at Harry once more, taking in the anxious smile that was already plastered on his face. I took a deep breath before stepping through the trees, Harry's hand clasped in mine as I stepped through. My body instantly lighting up. Every nerve in my body shooting with electricity that I didn't know I possessed. Harry's body did, too, I presumed. His hand tightening around my own as his face went slack as he stared up at the moon with wide eyes. His eyes searching it with wonder filling his pupils. He looked at ease as I stared at his face. His smile open, his eyes searching. He looked awoken, yet relaxed and gentle.

"This is..." Harry wondered off, his voice only a quiet whisper as he spoke. His mouth just hung open, amazement clear on his soft features. "This is extraordinary."

I nodded. Smiling so widely at him that my face began to hurt and my body began to feel so much happiness that my body could erupt with it at any second. I felt pure bliss. Something I haven't felt in a long time.

And I think I owe a lot of it to him.

His soft, intelligent words. His gentle fingertips. His tenderhearted spirit. Everything. I owed every single ounce of happiness I felt in this moment to him. Harry.

"This is my favorite thing I've ever encountered in this forest," I mumbled. Unable to speak at full volume while staring at this iridescent mass of space rock for a reason I didn't know. But it just felt right. I felt as if I spoke too loud, my voice would shatter it. Make the light burn out. Something that I couldn't fix, and I didn't want to find out.

"God, mine too," Harry mumbled. His hand still in mine as he continued to stare up at it.

Memories began to flood my mind of all the times I came here at night with my mother and friends along the way. How I would lay underneath where I was standing at this very second and let the luminous light of the moon overtake me and engulf me with a nonexistent luster that I felt throughout my entire body. I missed that. I missed when I would come here with my mother. I missed my mother. I missed her heart. I missed her soul, her beauty, her love for nature. I missed it all. Down to the bones, I could feel her love and how much I missed her. How unfortunate I felt that I didn't have the chance to live my life to its full with her ethereal being beside me the entire time. God, I missed her. More than any other emotion I had ever felt up until this moment. I missed my mother more than any of those out together. The pain that strikes my body when I think of her beauty and her loveliness that I lost, is unbearable.

Suddenly, I snapped back to reality. My limbs shaking lightly as tears streamed down my glowing cheeks. Harry looked down at me from his constant stare at the iridescent moon. Squeezing my hand lightly as if to remind me that I was there. He didn't say a word. Only kept his eyes on me as I continued to stare up at the infinite shine. The moon nearly taking up the entire sky.

"Geo," Harry muttered, his voice quiet as he squeezed my hand, almost like a one-time pulse that electrocuted my entire body.

I looked over at him, wiping my cheeks with the shoulder of my t-shirt that hung loosely on my shaky shoulders.

"C'mere," Harry whispered, opening his arms, allowing me to step into them and for his arms to engulf me in a warm, fulfilling hug. One that made my pulse slow but beat harder in my ribcage. For my body to calm and the shaky shoulders and lips and quivering lips to stop for only a minute as my pulse evened out to his, and my ear took in the constant thrum of his heart against my ear.

I didn't say a word. I didn't know how. I couldn't seem to get any words out of my closed lips as I hugged Harry. My arms wrapped around his torso and his arms wrapped around my shoulders, pressing his lips to the top of my hair.

This boy brought me so much happiness. More happiness that I've ever felt in the last four years of living that have seemed to be a living hell for me, for my friends, for my dad.

I couldn't begin to comprehend the light I felt consume my body. The glee that took over my features, a smile overtaking my face as I nuzzled my face further into his warm chest.

I was home.


I hope you like this chapter! I love you guys!

- brea (:

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