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"So many options," I grunted next to Freya, her arms gently pulled loosely behind her torso. "You have so many beautiful dresses, I don't know how to choose just one," I stated, shaking my head and letting out a sigh as I set the 57th dress back in the slot it was in before.

"Here," Freya said, gently pushing my hands away from the hundreds of beautiful dresses and stepping in front of me. "What's your favorite color, dear?"

The simple questions boggled me for a moment, but before too long I responded, "dark green". With that, Freya nodded with her usual enchanting smile and turned around and began to sift through her dresses, taking out two dark green gowns that looked absolutely stunning. I smiled so widely my face began to ache as her fingers gently eased the easily tousled fabric.

"Do either of these suit your taste, darling?" Freya asked softly, her full lips painted in red pulled up into an elegant smile. One of the two caught my eyes as I let out a subtle gasp and gently picked the one I had my eyes on out of her arms. The dress was a silky, dark green. It was long and would surely reach my feet with high heels on. Which, I'm going to have to borrow, also. The dress had long sleeves with elegant black designs of the transparent, green tinted fabric. On the front of the dress, there was a part where the transparent fabric replaced the silky green and dipped down between the breasts and landed with a rounded edge on the top of the stomach, with tiny jewels decorating the transparent fabric there.

"This one," I said gently, "can I try this one on?" I asked, looking up at Freya from the dress laying across her arms. She only glanced down at it for a quick moment before smiling widely, her eyes grazing my figure as she handed me the silky fabric, laying it gently across my forearms as I held them out for her.

"I think it will look marvelous on you, darling," Freya said, her smile regal and beautiful as I mumbled a "thank you", turning around and exiting into the bathroom right outside the gigantic closet we were currently standing inside. I went inside, stripping myself of clothes, now standing in front of the full body mirror, observing the curve of my hips and my stomach and the curl from my shoulder to neck and neck to jawline. I haven't truly looked at myself in so long, it felt refreshing to look at myself and not feel ashamed by it.

I pushed my smile at my body down, forcing myself to once again pick up the dress and step inside it, zipping it up the most I could before opening the door and quickly asking Freya to zip me up fully, for my arms are long, but not long enough for that.

Her long, slender, and cold fingers grazed the skin of my back, making the hairs stand up on the back of my neck and causing a shiver to prickle up my spine.

"You look beautiful in that dress, Geo," Freya gushed, making me smile and blush. I walked forward, finding yet another full body mirror and standing in front of it. My jaw instantly dropped a little, my mouth hanging agape at the sight of myself in this dress. I was absolutely in love with it. The way that the dark, shiny green hugged me and how it made me look just...pretty. I smiled widely, turning around and hugging Freya warmly, her smile expanding at the hug. It was calming and comforting, knowing that this all wasn't a dream. Freya was real, Barden was real, and best of all, Harry was real, too.

"Thank you so much for allowing me to borrow this dress, Freya, I love it," I smiled as I backed away, spinning where I was. The fabric twirled around me at my ankles, a smile pulling at my lips as it did so. The breeze was nice and I felt a small release of air, true happiness overtaking me in full.

"Of course, dear. You look so amazing," she boasted, her eyes observing my figure in her dress. She suddenly stepped forward, smiling before grabbing my hand and pulling me into the next room. Where she was taking me oblivious to me. "Now," she started, leading me to a chair and setting me in it in front of a small vanity, a mirror attached to the back of it. "I must do your makeup to top it all off. To really impress Harry."

I blushed at the way she implied Harry to be somebody I wanted to impress. I guess he kind of was, I barely knew him. Or the full him. I probably knew a lot about him even now. "Thank you so much, Freya. It means a lot that you're putting this much work in for me," I smiled, chuckling lightly as she retrieved her makeup supplies out of one of the many drawers arrayed down the front of the piece of furniture. Her hands looked delicate and gentle with every move she made, it was almost pleasing to watch, to be very honest.

   She picked up an eyeshadow brush (I think, as a child and teenager, my mother didn't use makeup, either, I don't know much about it at all), gently pushing it into a pallet of colors, then quietly asking me to close my eyes, then beginning to do my makeup. I just sat there, gently letting the bristles of the brush glide against the skin of my face. It felt gentle and made me giggle for a brief moment because of the tickling feeling it gave me.

   Only minutes later, she was done, and I was ready to go. The only thing left was high heels, which - I'm not going to lie - I'm kind of nervous about. Last time I had walked in high heels was at my high school graduation only about a year ago and I almost tripped and face-planted in front of the entire school. Which, might I add, held over 2,000 kids, 621 of those being in my graduating class.

"Here." Freya leaned over, grabbing a pair of shiny, black high heels. They looked elegant, also. They should go with the dress, but what would I know? I haven't ever been into fashion. I just wear what I find pleasing.

"Thank you," I said quietly, leaning forward slightly and slipping them both on, then boosting myself from the chair, stepping back and forth between the balls of my feet to get used to the way my feet were positioned. I absolutely hated the way that high heels felt, so achy, but I dealt with it.

   "Now," she smiled, clapping her hands together enthusiastically in excitement. "The party starts in about half an hour."

   "You guys even have the same time measurements as Earth, that's so weird," I thought out loud, making her eyes wander nervously for a moment before smiling again. That's weird, I thought, why is Barden and Freya both acting weird in mention of Earth?

   "Yeah,"—breath—"that is kind of weird, isn't it?"

   I shrugged it off, returning the excited smile on my face from only seconds before, beginning to follow Freya out of the door moments later with long strides and happy hearts.


honestly can't wait for harry to see geo, tbh. that's going to be adorable. i hope you all have stuck around to read and hopefully are looking forward to the story. i love you, guys. thank you for everything. also, thank you for 10k!!!

please vote, comment, share! x.

september 21st, 2016.

- brea (:

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