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A New World & Day
t w e l v e ;

   My eyes opened as immense light hit the outside of my eyelids, burning my eyes as I revealed them to the sun. What time was it? Did time even exist on this planet? Hell if I knew.

   I yawned, shifting on to my back and peering up at the plain, white ceiling, small slits of light unfurling across the texture there, almost perfectly parallel stripes.

   My ears suddenly became aware of the other person in the room. Deep breathing filling my ears, making my body jolt forward, my torso sitting up, my arms supporting me underneath me. I looked over, Harry's body sleeping peacefully on the other side of the bed, facing away from me, showing me the tan and toned muscles of his naked back. I couldn't help but to chuckle quietly for a second, making sure not to wake him. I looked down, my underwear the only thing on my bottom half as a black tee was covering my top half, thankfully with a bra underneath. I didn't remember undressing last night, but after all, I was so tired, I barely remembered coming into the room at all.

   The room was absolutely gorgeous. It looked like almost an entire apartment, a bathroom on the other side of the room, on the wall Harry was facing.

   My eyes searched the room until they laid upon my bag, sat in a chair in the corner of the room. I signed, relieved that it was still there and it hadn't been taken by anyone, though everyone here seemed polite and well-mannered. I don't know anyone as much as I'd like, but I'm going to assume no one would do that until I get informed, either the good or bad way.

   I swung my legs over the side of the bed, standing up and crossing the room, picking up my bag and flipping the top open, beginning to search through the remnants for some nice clothes to make me look something close to presentable for the major and his lovely wife. Such saints they are.

   I pulled out a tattered and worn pair of black skinny jeans, ripped at the knees from style, I suppose. I can't remember if I made them myself or if it was from me falling so much in the forest back home.

   Back home. It was odd to think about that.

   For a shirt, I pulled out a crew neck, maroon tee, the sleeves rolled up from my last wear. I nodded at the pair of clothing, smiling slightly before quietly going over to the bathroom, which had its door already hanging wide open, the cleanliness and bright white of the walls and countertops were comforting yet nearly blinding.

   I closed the door behind me, almost deafening silence filling the bathroom. Leaving me with only myself and my thoughts to ponder. I set my shirt on the counter as I pulled on the jeans in hand, having to maneuver my feet away from the holes in them so they wouldn't rip even more. I ran a hand through my short, brown hair. The short hair on the back of my head sticking up from sleeping on it wrong. I shook my head, pushing the thought of my hair aside as I pulled my shirt up, off of my body, and throwing it on to to counter, pulling up the maroon tee and pulling that on only a few moments later.

It was only then that I looked at myself in the mirror. It had been forever since I've seen my reflection. As odd as that might be. Usually everyone looks at themselves in the mirror every single day, but I nearly can't remember the last time I saw myself.

My brown eyes looked brighter and like mini Suns contrasted to the piercing white of the bathroom. My lips looked pinker and my cheeks looked pinker as well, a few tiny, brown freckles on my face here and there, not enough to count of one hand. My eyebrows looked bushy, like always, way darker than my actual hair color on my head.

I liked how I looked.

I smiled at myself in the mirror, suddenly remembering that I needed to brush my teeth, making a mental note to grab my toothbrush and toothpaste in a moment.

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