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t h i r t e e n ;

   My stomach felt tied in knots as we once again tried our best to find our way through the city hall that we had stayed in the night before. The halls seeming completely new to me, probably due to my extreme exhaustion last night as they showed us to our room.

   "Left or right?" Harry asked, bringing up the memory of when he was driving me home to get home on Earth, only yesterday. It seems like a week ago that it happened, when it reality it was only a day ago.

   "I have no clue," I answered, stifling a laugh and squeezing his hand. "I was completely out of it last night. I wouldn't even be able to tell you what floor we're on," I said, looking around at the portraits and canvases of art hung on the beige walls, trying to recall anything around me, but nothing coming to mind.

"Geo! Harry!"

Harry and I whipped around, coming face-to-face with Barden, nearly the same tux as last night adorning his body as he approached us. He took my free hand, laying a soft, chaste kiss on the back of it, making me smile at his politeness. Afterwards, he turned to Harry, smiling widely as he shook his hand.

"Hello, Barden," I greeted, smiling as he positioned his hands behind his back, looking regal and professional as he did so.

"Hello! So nice to see you two again. Were the two of you trying to find your way back to my office?" He asked, Harry and I nodding shortly afterwards to his question. Barden smiled again, "I figured. Geo was nearly falling over as we guided the two of you to your room and Harry was too distracted by the amazing decor," Barden mused, walking past us to lead the way as he gave us a small, smug grin due to bragging slightly about the 'amazing decor', though he wasn't lying a single bit; it was truly amazing.

"Yeah," I chuckled, "sorry about that, by the way. I'm not sure how I was exhausted to that extent," I finished, once again letting my eyes wander around the walls.

"It's all right, dear," he smiled, glancing over his shoulder at the two of us following him close behind. "That's how it was with E--"

   Barden stopped in the middle of his sentence suddenly, stuttering in his step for a moment before continuing to walk at normal pace, clearing his throat awkwardly before glancing over his shoulder once more, "yeah, I expected that with the extreme events that have taken place for you two this past day."

   Curiosity bubbled in the pit of my stomach, though it soon faded as I brushed it off, keeping conversation going with Barden so an awkward silence wouldn't consume the space around us.

   "Of course. It seems like nearly a week instead of only a day since the last time we stepped foot on Earth," I responded, smiling widely as Harry looked down at me, smiling also as he nodded.

   "It's odd, really, thinking that we could've even gotten here so easily through the portal when NASA back on Earth has been trying to get here with space travel for ages," Harry chuckled, his deep voice and smooth accent nearly sending a plague of butterflies through my stomach.

   "There is only one portal on Planet Three, and you two were lucky enough to find it, and saw it at the perfect time, also. It almost never opens. We sadly haven't really made any sort of effort to come up with a pattern that it opens in, so it really opens at random times, but those times are very spread apart," Barden explained, making me gulp and Harry to nod as we approached the gigantic double doors that Harry and I went into only last night, Barden's office.

"Darling!" A women's voice said from behind us, making the three of us turn our heads just before Barden opened the door, Freya appearing with an elegant, space grey dress on, the bottom of it nearly reaching to the floor as she stepped towards us. Her walk nearly one of a runway model as she walked past Harry and I to kiss Barden on the cheek, making him smile widely.

"Hello, love," Barden greeted, opening the door as Freya turned to us, standing by my side as we walked into his office.

"Hello, Geo, Harry. How did you sleep?" Freya asked, her smile nearly making me blush at its beauty.

"I slept quite well, I don't even remember getting to the room we stayed in because of how tired I was. I'm not sure about Harry though," I laughed, looking up at him, his eyes already on me as I did so.

"I slept very well, nearly better than I have in ages," he said, glancing down at me, and if I wasn't mistaken, a blush holding his cheeks subtly, making me smirk subconsciously.

"Oh, I am so glad. I can't wait to show you two the new house you two will be staying in!" Freya said excitedly, making Harry and I smile, also. Freya looked over at Barden, smiling and exchanging a look before looking back at the two of us. "Also, would you and Harry like to join us for another one of our house parties like the one we held here last night?" Freya asked, making Harry and I exchange a look, also.

"I would love to, but I don't have any attire that would fit that kind of party. I only have a few t-shirts and a few pairs of jeans, nothing like a dress. And I'm sure Harry doesn't have a tux or anything," I explained sadly, my lips turning down into a frown. Harry and I wouldn't fit into that kind of crowd with the clothes we usually wear. If anything, we would be nearly the opposite of everyone in the room.

"Well I'm sure I could lend you a dress of mine for the night, and maybe Barden would lend Harry a tux," she explained, smiling widely as mine grew, also.

"Oh, my God, really? That would be so amazing, thank you," I smiled, squeezing Harry's hand from a little burst of excitement, which he returned, gently squeezing my hand back.

"Of course, darling. It would be so wonderful for the two of you to attend. But before then, we must show you the house and let you get settled at least a little. So let's focus on that for the time being," Freya smiled, stepping aside and letting Harry and I sit down. Harry and I's hands separating, nearly making me whine from the loss of contact.

"So, your new house is very nice, in our opinion. We supplied you with the best housing available, and the house is pretty large, due to you two needing housing together and we wanted to make sure you had enough space," Barden smiled, flipping a page on his desk. His piercing blue eyes looking up at Harry and I and pinching at the sides as his toothy grin took over his face once again. "Freya and I will be accompanying you to look at the house. We will he leaving in only a short while, so I suggest quickly getting your things from the room you stayed in and meet us back at the front doors in only a few minutes," Barden finished, smiling as he stood, Harry and I doing the same.

"All right, Harry and I will go and get our things and we will meet you at the front," I said, taking Harry by the hand again and pulling him out the door. Harry took his hand from mine, hooking his arm around my shoulders instead, making a small smile adorn my lips and his, also.

"I can't believe we're going to have our own house here, it's unbelievable," I said, sighing and letting all the air cascade from my lungs that I didn't realize I was holding it until now.

"I know, it's an odd feeling to know that we are starting fresh in a city we've never been to. A planet we've never been to. Nothing back home matters anymore and it makes me feel nauseous but also excited to the point of almost needing to scream," he chuckled, looking down at me and touching his cheek to the top of my head, making me giggle. Harry guided us through the halls, since he was the only one who remembered.

We soon came upon the room within only a minute at most, quickly opening the door and grabbing my bag and Harry's, afterwards making the bed so it looked like we were never here in the first place. Then, we walked back out, shutting the door behind us and venturing back to the front of the city hall where Barden and Freya surely waited for us patiently.


a/n: hey guys! I hope you guys liked this chapter and I hope you guys aren't getting too annoyed with the filler chapters. I'm not sure how long this story is going to be yet, though I wish I could make an estimate, I'm dumbfounded on the topic. Thank you so much for sticking with this story, and if you're thinking about ditching it, I beg of you to not. It's going to get better, there is just a lot that needs to happen. I love you guys!

Vote, comment, share! X.

- brea (:

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