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Rooms & Emotions
f o u r t e e n ;

   Harry's smile hadn't broken from his dimply face since the moment we stepped foot on the front steps of the city hall on our way to our new home. It was so unbelievably generous of Barden and Freya to do this for us. It still felt like a dream too pleasant for my mind.

   The sky had a purple haze over it, for some unknown reason to me. The air on Neptune didn't feel like the air on Earth. It felt more clear and less muggy and polluted. It made it easier to get a big breath in. I didn't know how to fully explain it in words, it just felt...good. Maybe that was why the sky had that hazy color in it.

   "Are you excited?" Harry's eyes were on me as I turned my head to answer his question, making me nearly blush under his gaze.

   "More than I can muster, yes," I chuckled, making him smile. Our fingers were intertwined again, swinging gently in between us. It was confusing, how we held hands so much. I was always accustomed to the idea of holding hands being romantic, but in reality, I think both Harry and I just held hands because it was nice to feel the other's presence. Like we wanted the other close and in contact. It was conflicting, but I wasn't complaining. I loved holding hands with Harry.

   "Me, too," Harry said, smiling as we both got into the back of a large carriage type vehicle. The inside was beautiful, a beautiful matte maroon adorning the walls and white pearls - or what it looked like - lining the door and corners of the square box the four of us were sitting in. The seats were cushioned. It was more beautiful and intricate than any horse drawn carriage back home.

   Harry took our still intertwined hands and set them gently on his lap, sighing deeply as he smiled, observing the inside of the carriage like I was only seconds earlier. Barden and Freya were sat across from us, making small conversation about Charles or the house, I'm not sure which one, but I didn't want to be rude and eavesdrop.


   I turned my head to Barden and Freya, Freya's eyes on me as Barden turned to me. "I just want to inform you that there's a group of people about your age, I think, that usually stick together. I think you'd get along very nicely with them," she smiled, making me smile also and my eyes to widen.

   "Really? That's amazing," I smiled, glancing over at Harry to see that his smile was wide, too, as he listened.

   "I'm pretty sure one of them, Rowan, is going to be there tonight at the house party. There might be more, because sometimes he brings a friend or two, but I can't be sure. Maybe you should introduce yourself?" Freya suggested, giving me a beautiful grin. I appreciated her and Barden looking out for me so much, it meant a lot and I'm glad we found them at the city hall or Harry and I would be nothing more than lost at this moment.

   "Harry and I will indeed do that tonight, thank you, Freya," I smiled greatly, nodding at her. She took her hand setting it on my knee before muttering a quick, "anytime, darling," and going back to talking to her beloved.

   Harry's eyes were on me as we looked nonchalantly between each other, just admiring the other as we felt the smooth road underneath the forth of us.

   Harry smiled, scooting slightly towards me and taking my hands in his once again. My eyes taking in the beautiful emerald of his as we made our way to our new home.

   Our new home.

   "I wonder if they have easy cheese here," Harry said worriedly, his eyes wide, making me gasp and look at him.

neptune. / harry styles ( DISCONTINUED )Where stories live. Discover now