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Moonlight Spots & Space Rocks
s e v e n ;

My eyes had opened sometime early in the morning, I knew. Because the sun was barely shining through the large window in the back of the house. I hadn't remembered falling asleep, or even coming back to this house.

I hated that I was here for another night. Not that I didn't like the place. Because I did. It was inspiring, clean, nice. But I hated coming and barging in on his privacy like this. I hated how I needed a shirt to borrow from him and I hated how I could somehow go a full two days without going back to my house when that is the only place where I'd spend my free time before I met Harry. That, and the forest.

I also hated that - in only three days - he had changed me so much. I hated that, down to the bones and I wanted it to stop.

Or maybe I just needed to stop letting the hate seep so far down to my bones and let myself live for once since my mother passed. Or for once in my entire life, I suppose.

There was rain pattering against the glass of the window in the back. The dim, morning light shining on the wooden floor underneath. I loved morning rain. The smell of it, the look of it, how calming it is to just listen to it. In fact, just listening to it, I could fall right back asleep right now.

"You're up early," Harry's deep morning voice said from the hallway, making my head whip around the see him walk out, his hands running across his face, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. I nodded, too sleepy to say a word. I wanted to close my eyes again and continue with the small, faceless dreams that adorned my dreams in the eventide.

"Mhm," I hummed. My lips deciding to reply after all. I barely opened my eyes, the light from the bay window stinging my eyes.

"Would you like some breakfast?" Harry asked, his face turning towards me. I could practically here the kindness dripping from his words.

"No, I've taken up too much space in your home the last two days. If you could, I'd appreciate a ride home so I can get out of your hair," I said. The amount of words spoken left me out of breath, wanting to just shut my mouth so he would let me fall back asleep, but my mind seemed to have other plans.

"You aren't bothering me, Geo," Harry informed me. Turning towards me, leaning his back against the - what I presumed - cold counter behind him.

"Don't be so gracious towards me, Harry," I said, swinging my legs over the side of the couch. My feet hitting the ice cold floor, making me jump back. I looked over at him, now realizing he was shirtless. Once again noticing his toned figure as my eyes scanned his body. Going back up to his eyes momentarily.

"I'm not being gracious, I'm being truthful. I truly do enjoy your company. More than anybody I've met in a long, long time," he informs, his back turning towards me as he finished his sentance, beginning to make coffee so that I could probably get off my ass and get to the forest like my everyday routine went.

"Mhm," I hum, a sly smile taking over my face as my eyes seemed to drag with sleep. Making my hands go involuntarily up to rub the sleep from the dead color inside them.

"Now, again, would you like some breakfast, m'lady?" He asked, the corners of his mouth upturning to a full smile towards me.

"Not budging, pretty boy," I smile mischievously, finally getting up and walking into the kitchen. The bottom hem of Harry's t-shirt hitting my hips with each swaying step. His kitchen made the light from the window brighten, my eyes squinting momentarily to keep the light from my still sleepy eyes.

"You really do need a ride home then?" Harry poured, his lower lip popping out to show some sort of "sadness" that just looked like a whining puppy dog in my eyes.

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