2 // with your love

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"With your love, nobody can drag me down.."

You owe us nothing,

we owe you nothing.

I owe you nothing,

you owe me nothing.


that's what it takes

to share your work with the world.


that's what it takes

to pour out your heart heart and souls into your work.


that's what it takes

to put down thoughts and ideas that enchant others in your world of writing.

We write for the same reasons that we read.

To quote Cath Avery from Rainbow Rowell's Fangirl,

"We write to escape."

To escape a world of drab and gray.

To escape a world of pressure, politics and cruelty.

Diving into worlds of color, vivid imagination.

Utopias free of pumpkins like Trump,

filled with the most beautiful of things.

If you have the opportunity and gift to pen down such wonderful thoughts,

use it.

Don't hesitate.

Just do it.

Dive right in.

Look toward the positive.

Try to think less of the negative.

Hate is an obstacle.

Hate is the dragon blocking the knight's way to his princess.

Hate is Sauron stopping peace from being achieved in the realm of Lord of the Rings.

Hate is that one bitchy douchebag who can't stop putting you down for doing something you love.

'Your books suck.'

'You can't write for shit.'

'Why bother uploading?'

'You're not as good as ____'

'Why are you even famous?'

Don't give up when you know so many others are rooting for you.

Not many are granted with such talent.

Use it; use it to teach, to address.

Words have more power than one can ever imagine.

After all, the pen is mightier than the sword.

(A/N: I wrote this in honor of SamMadison leaving Wattpad due to the amount of hate that she's received. It's a cruel thing to be put down for something you love doing. Why continue if you're not enjoying it anymore? That just makes you feel obliged to keep doing it. You do you, honey boo boo. It's your life, enjoy it.)


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