8 // addicted to a memory

42 6 1

"Holding on to what we used to be,
addicted to a memory.."

Here we are,
several months after I told you I loved you.

I must ask:

Was it wrong of me in doing so?

I mean, I knew that even the slimmest chance of you reciprocating my feelings was never there, but..

What do you think of me now?

You told me to keep in touch with you this summer, and indeed I have.

But I can feel it.

Every time I want to text you, send you a snap, anything..

I feel like I shouldn't.

I feel as though you'll ignore it, even though the logical part of me says you won't.

I wish it wasn't like this.

I wish I hadn't told you I loved you.

Maybe then, maybe, just maybe..

We wouldn't be acting so distant.

It's my fault.

We used to talk everyday.

I know you felt guilty for rejecting me, but it's okay, you know.

To follow Yanick's words,

"Two months of heartbreak is better than two years of it."

I'm over you,

I'm just not over the memory of you.

I miss what we had, Daisy.

I'm sorry.

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