18 // handsome stranger, you have made her wonder, is she pretty?

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(i'm sorry this is so long. i got too into this lmao, i know this took forever to come out, but anyway, as always, enjoy! i know the song choice is a lot happier than this chapter, but most of the lyrics have stuck to me.)

"she knows this feeling all too well, she feels her heart begin to swell..
handsome stranger, you have made her insides turn to jelly..
she wants to dance around the room, kiss you until your lips turn blue..
handsome stranger, you have made her wonder, is she pretty?"

skinny love had always been a pretty thing to me.

two people coming together,

loving one another from afar,

not knowing they loved one another,

a n d y e t ,

still doing so,


p r a y i n g

that maybe one day,

the other would love them back.

i'd like to think it's based on luck.

i've too often noticed it.

sometimes in school,

other times at a restaurant.

perhaps at a banquet,

maybe even a themed park.

it's the way two lovers look at one another when the other isn't looking.

they watch their lovers as if they're the source of their happiness,

their source of power on days where they feel powerless.

i've too often seen it.

even in a room full of people,

they always find their way back to one another,

be it consciously or unconsciously.

you can see it in their eyes.

the slightest twinkle,

the subtle raise of eyebrows when they find them.



there you are!

you can see it in their smile.

the corners of lips raised even higher than the laws of gravity deemed possible,

the quiet sound of relieved laughter,

dimples cutting into cheeks,

deep enough to stick a coin into.

you can see it in the way they move.

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