Chapter 6

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Today is really loud in the house. Everyone is getting ready for the wedding. When i woke up, i didn't feel like going outside my room so i just stayed inside and prayed and stared at my parents picture.

At around 1 pm there was a knock on my door and Aunt Risa walks in with a red wedding dress in her hand. When she see's me sitting in my bed, she rushes to me and pulls me to stand up.

" what are you doing? have to get ready," Aunt Risa says.

" yes Aunt Risa," i say and bunch of stylist's walk into my room and starts doing their work on me.

The Nikah will be held at 4 after Asr prayer. After 2 hours, i am finally ready and everyone comes into my room and waits for the imam to get here. All the guys are at the masjid with Zaid and all the girls are at my house, after the nikah ceremony we will all go to the wedding hall.

" The imam is here," someone yells over all the noise and everyone quite's down. When the imam walks into my room, he sits in front of me and asks me.

" do you Nadia Ahmad daughter of Amir Ahmad take Zaid Hussan as your husband?" He asks. The question feels like a dagger through my heart. I don't answer and look down at my hands. The imam asks me again. Aunt Risa shakes me softly.

" Answer him," she whispers to me.

" i do," i get out in a shaky voice. He asks me 3 times and i answer " i do" every time. I have said my part, now we all wait to get a call from the guys side to hear Zaid's answer. My heart was beating so fast. After a few minutes, the phone breaks the silence. Aunt Risa hurry to pick it up and answers it. After a few seconds of listening to the other side, she turns to everyone and smiles.

" its done, he said yes," As soon as those words left her mouth, tears start pouring out of me. Some of the ladies come to give me hugs and congratulate me. They gave me best wishes and made dua's.

" Insha'allah he will keep you happy," A family friend says.

what you all don't know is that this is all a business deal and a contract.

" don't ruin your makeup...we still have the wedding function to go to," Aunt Risa says.

We all head to the wedding Hall and arrive there in 10 minutes. Laiba did a little touch up on my makeup. The guys were already there when we arrived and were waiting inside.

Before making my big entrance, i take a deep breath and try to calm myself down. i haven't seen Zaid the whole day today since we last had that awkward moment on mehendi night. or at least i thought it was awkward.Uncle comes over to me and gives me a big hug.

" ready?" he asks and i shake my head forcing a smile. Uncle shows me a small sad smile and i wrap my arm around his arm and then the big door opens, revealing all the people inside. All eyes were on me but mine traveled to Zaid first. He was also looking at me. I look down and walk slowly due to my dress which was heavy and all the jewelry and the dupatta were putting even more weight on me . By the time i knew it, Uncle had already led me to the stage where Zaid was. I sit down next to him.

I tried to keep a little distance between us but all the family's and friends keep on sitting on either side of us to take pictures or talk, pushing Zaid and I to the middle, our bodies pressed together. i feel like my body is glued to his strong muscular one. I felt uncomfortable with all the people seeing us like that and i think he noticed that because he then wrapped a arm purposely around my waist and pulled me even more closer to him. I look at him surprised. He smirked and i could feel my face grow hot.

He leans in toward my ear. I can feel his breath against my skin making me turn even more red.

" you are stuck with me for 4 months now," he whispers. I turn away, trying not to look at him. All the people were looking at us and talking with each other and some were pointing at his hand which was still around my waist. I thought i was going to die of embarrassment.

Finally after hours of greeting and talking with people, it was time for us to head back. I go back to family to say goodbye to them. Uncle pulls me to a hug and few tears leave his eyes.

" i am sorry to put you through this," He says.

" did nothing wrong, Allah already had this planned for me and i trust him...i promised i will act as his wife and protect him and that is what i will do... i want to save dads business which he worked for all his life," i stop and wipe away a tear from his face. I didn't like seeing him sad.

"Nadia... you should go...Zaid is waiting in his car," Aunt Risa says. I hug her. Even though she has been treating me like shit all my life, i will miss her. She did raise me since i was seven. After giving everyone a last hug, i walk toward Zaid's car. It is dark outside and everyone has left already. Zaid's parent took a separate car.

My heart was beating fast as i open the door and get in. Zaid didn't look at me. He started the car and we headed out.

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