chapter 4o

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I rush to open the door as soon as I heard the doorbell ring. My lips form into a smile as I see Zaid standing on the other side.

"Welcome home" I tell him and place a kiss on his cheek. He gives me a smile but I can tell he is tired.

"How are you sweetheart?" He asks.

"Better now that you are with me."

"I am always with you and always will be."



"Zaid what are you doing" I laugh covering my face.

"Oh come on beautiful, just one picture,"

I look around the amusement park, crowds of people, couples, children's and families everywhere all enjoying. Today is Zaids day off so he planned a date for us and what better place than an amusement park where we can enjoy food and scary ass rides and just have a blast. Amusement parks are some of my personal favorite places since childhood.

"Zaid too many people here and also you know I am camera shy,"

"Fine, if not a picture then this?" All of a sudden he pulls me by my waist and presses our body together. My eyes widen as a mischievous smile forms on his perfect lips and he slowly starts to lean in. I try to push him off but he has his arms tightly around me.

"Zaid what are you doing?...there are people here," I remind him again.

"People?...only person I see is you, no one else matters," his words made heat rush to my face and I can tell my cheeks turned red. How does he manage to do this to me. Not knowing what to do, I softly smash the ice cream cone I was holding in my hand on his face. He lets go of me in shock and i laugh out loud seeing as to how surprised he was.

"What was that" he says wiping the melting cream off of his face with his hand. I couldn't respond because I was laughing like a mad women. Seeing me, a smile also spread on his face and taking the chance he took out his phone and snapped a picture of me. My face turned red and he smirked at me.

I was going through my purse to find a tissue for him but when I look up, my heart left like it dropped to the ground.

Standing in front of Zaid was a young women. She was in a business suit with her hair pulled up in a neat bun making her look more mature. She had a small smile on her lips that were coated with red lipstick making her fair flawless skin glow. Her arm was stretched out toward zaid holding a tissue. Zaid looks at her as if trying to figure out who she is and suddenly a bright smile flashed on his face.

"Noor, it's been so long," zaid says happily. The women named Noor smiles, showing her perfect white teeth.

"It has," she replies. "How have you been Zaid? nice to see you again,"

"Nice to run into you again too Noor,"

"Oh um, you got...," she points a finger to his face mentioning the melted ice cream dripping down his cheek. Zaids face turns red and he quickly searches his pocket for something to wipe it with but Noor hands him the tissue which he takes with a smile and gently wipes his face.

" what kind of childish act was that?" Noor suddenly says, I snap out of my trance realizing that comment was toward me. My mouth completely dry, I struggle to form words. I look at zaid for help but he was on his phone.

"Noor...give me your number, maybe we can catch up later," I watch him in disbelieve as he hands her his phone. Noor types in her number and hands it back to him. Finally Zaid looks up at me, his expression changing as if he just realized I have been standing there the whole time. I uncomfortably put my weight on one feet and look down.

"Oh uh Noor...this- this is wife," Zaid introduces me. I flash a smile at that comment and he smiles back at me. I extend my hand out toward Noor who seemed shook at what she just heard. She hesitantly grabbed my hand and shook it with a tight smile on her lips.

"Nice to meet you Noor, I am guessing you and Zaid have some past that I am not aware of," I state as I look at them back and forth.

"We sure do...beautiful past, don't we Zaid?" She asks smiling at him. Zaid gives me a small look before nodding his head and then looking away.

"Well zaid...lets meet up Monday...i know this is sudden but, I have heard things and I believe I can help you out," Noor suggests. I give her a confused look but she keeps looking at zaid with those dreamy eyes which I am starting to get bad feelings about. When she felt my gaze, she quickly replaced the look with her professional one again. This lady can really act.

"No tha-," zaid begins, but Noor holds up her hand stopping him.

"You should know...i don't take no for an answer, never," she states.

Zaid smiles, "same as before I see...well then alright...monday it is," he replies. Noor smiles and then looks at me.

"Nice to meet you...Nadia was it?"

I nod, "Nice to meet you too," I say in a low voice.

"Well I will be heading my way then...bye zaid," she goes in for a hug but before she could I get in front of Zaid becoming a barrier between them.

"Hope to see again Noor," I say with a smile. She looks at Zaid behind me and then at me again, giving a small nod she turns around and walks away.

I watch her until she disappears in the crowd of people and then turn around to face Zaid.

"Like to explain what that was?"

"Chill baby...she is good person...know her from my business days, we were good partners and worked together on many projects...thats all," he says. I bite my lips nervously not sure what to think.

"Nadia I love you," he says.

"I love you too"

"Now let's head back home...your "childish act" ruined my whole outfit," he says with a laugh. I frown at him and he smiles.

"I will push you off a bridge," I joke.

"I will drag you with me, wherever I am, you are and where ever you are, I am...," he says. I laugh.

"Always..." I respond and wrap my hand around his as he leads me toward the car.


Welllllll....Heyyyyyyyy...sorry for umm this verrrrrrrrrrrry late update, when I say i am lazy I am not joking, please don't hate me😶😶😶...hope you guys like it, vote, comment and share...give me feedbacks...and if you can, message me some ideas for the next chapters because to be honest I am completely lost so your opinions and ideas greatly appreciated. Thank you guys for all the love and for being patient. 😘😘😘

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