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I walk out into the Garden. Amazing scent of different flowers fill my nose. A huge fountain stood in the middle of the garden, water was flowing inside it, making it a beautiful decoration in between all the flowers.Few people were there, some painting and others just hanging out.

i was walking around, admiring the nature around me when someone bumps into me really hard. I fall backward but two huge arms wrap around me before i hit the ground. i look to see a men in huge sunglasses, look at me. I try to move away but he is so strong and the i can feel his eyes on me through the glasses. I felt fear all of a sudden and his presence made me feel uncomfortable.

"um..excuse me," i say, snapping my fingers in front of him. He shakes his head like he just came out of a trance. I quickly move away from his arms when i felt his grip loosen a little.

"i am soo sorry...i Di-" he starts, but i was in a hurry to get away from him so i cut him off.

"no its alright..umm i should go" i say. For some reason, he doesn't seem to have a good vibe around him.

"no, no..wait..its my fault...i should apologize properly..please let me buy you a drink," He says.

" its ok...i am alright," I say. The men takes off his sunglasses and looks at me hard. It made me shudder a little. I drop my gaze to the ground.

" your so beautiful," He says with a weird smile which i didnt like.

" thank you," i murmur, and quickly walk away as fast as i could. Before heading inside the hotel, i look back one last time and find the men still looking at me.


we all walk into the Hotel Restaurant and ask for a table for 4. Zaid and i set across from each other. He was gone when i went back to the room few hours ago and just showed up few minutes ago while his parents and i were headed here. He plops down on the chair and looks at the menu and i do the same. After we order and wait for our food.

I look around, people were chatting happily and eating. My eyes fall on someone. THe men with the huge sunglasses.

why is he wearing sunglasses inside?

I am not 100% sure where he is looking but, i have a feeling his gaze is on me. To my surprise, he removes his glasses, and gives me a smile. i look away.

The next thing i know is that he is standing at our table.

"hello Mr.Hussan," He says to dad-in-law and extends his hand out. Dad gives him a stern look and shakes the men's hand.

"keif...what brings you here," dad says.

"same as why your," Keif says. He shakes moms hand too and then turns to look at me.

"and this beautiful lady here is?," He says with that same smile. Zaid looks up at that. Keifs gaze made me even more nervous and i started biting my lips. I think Zaid noticed.

"its none of you business who she is and also keep your gaze away from her," Zaid says. Keif laughs and looks a Zaid.

" you never change do you?...who is she?...another toy of yours to play around with?," Keif says.

"shut up..atleast i have a toy...your jealous you have no one to play with," Zaid replies.

so thats what he really thinks of me?

i look at Zaid and he looks at me. I felt hurt. Zaid looks away.

why am i always in the middle of an argument?

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