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I go back to the house to pack up my stuff. Once I walk in I find Nina cleaning the house. Not able to meet her eyes, I quickly walk into my room.

An hour later I come back down with my belongings in my hand.

"Dear..." Nina stops me. I turn around to look at her. " are you sure this is your final decision?"

I dont speak for a long time and then I answer. "I am sure,"

"Sometimes what comes out of your mouth is not what is in your heart...i can see it in your eyes,"

"It was nice getting to know you Nina...thank you for everything," I pick up my bag and walk out the door before I start crying. She treated me so well.

I turn around and look back at the huge beautiful house. I bite my lips so I will not start crying.

I remember the time I first saw it. The time when Zaid caught me from falling. Thinking back now, I wish I can go back to those times. All the times I spent with him and his devilish smirk flashed in front of my eyes like a movie.


"Wait wait...its almost done," i say as I rush to get the food on the table. Aunt Risa, uncle and my two cousins are all seated around the dinning table.

"Nadia sit down and eat with us," uncle says.


"I will not take no for an answer young lady...after all because of you we have good on our table." He says.

I nod and force a smile as my conversation with Zaids dad comes back to my mind and then Zaids face. I shake my head lightly to get the thought out of my head.

I sit down right when my phone rings.

Zaid, the caller Id read.

It has been two weeks since I left.

I press ignore. It rings again and I ignore. After few times of my phone vibrating and me pressing ignore, uncle looks at me.

"You should take the call," he suggested.

"Don't worry about it...its just some random number bothering me,"

"Are you sure? seems like someone is anxious to talk to you,"

"Who will be anxious to talk to me uncle?...dont think about it, your sick so you should finish eating, you have your medicine to take still," I say as I turn my phone off. My uncle gives me a sad look like he knows what is going through my head. I smile at him to let him know I am ok.


I sit in my bed with a book in my hand. I realized I didn't turn my phone back on and so I reach for it.

21 missed calls and 13 texts. All from Zaid. I delete the texts without reading them and was about to put my phone away when my finger accidentally opened my gallery to a picture of Zaid and I. I remember this picture was taken on the day we went to the aquarium.


Something shiny.

gun shot.

"Stupid...why would you do something like that"

He picks me up in his arms bridal style.

End of flashback:

Zaids worried face appeared in my mind. Him picking me up in his arms and carrying me.

Him pushing me against the wall.

I remember everything from our fights to me getting shot.

I look down at the picture of me smiling and Zaids annoyed face. I laugh.

"I miss you," I speak to him in the picture.

Then my phone rings again. This time it was Zaids dad.

I receive it.

"Salam," I say.

"Walikumsalam," he replys. I wait for him to speak again.

"I called to let you know that the divorce papers are ready,"

"Di-divorce paper...?"

"Yes...i don't think we should drag this any longer, the sooner you two will be on your own the better...beside Zaid is going away next month."

"He is going away??" Was all I ask.

" should come pick up the papers tomorrow from my office and sign also have to get Zaid to sign it,"

"But...cant you get him to sign it?" I ask. I really don't want to run into Zaid.

"He is a stubborn guy...he will not listen to a word I will say...remember you have to get his signature," dad says to me harshly.

"Yes," I say and he hangs up.

Oh god. Now I have to see him tomorrow. How am I going to face him? I know he is going to ask why left. What am I going to tell him? That I chose money over him? That his dad made me leave?

I am not ready to face him yet.

Heyyyy is a new chapter I hope you enjoy and let me know how it is. Commen, vote and share. I love you all and thanks for all the support.

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