Zaid hasn't come out of his room since our little argument. I walk into the kitchen to see if Nina needed any help.
"Hi Nina,"
"Hi dear, how are you feeling?,"
"Much better than you need any help?"
"No my dear, I am almost done with dinner...actually if you don't mind, I forgot to replace those dead flowers on the table, can you go out to the garden and pick some fresh ones out before it gets dark?" She asks me as she takes something from the oven.
"No problem, I will just go now." I go out to the back where a huge garden was. The flowers were all beautiful and smelled amazing. I lean down and inheal.
I pick out a handful of them carefully, different ones, with different colors. For some reason, my eyes travel to the window upstairs, that over looks the garden. Zaids room. I could have sworn I saw him by the window but he disappeared.
I walk back inside and place the flowers in fresh water, as Nina was setting up the table.
"Nina, how long have you known Zaid?" I ask, curious.
"Long enough to know that, he doesn't show how he actually feels about something or....someone," she replies.
"What do you mean?" I ask. She just smiles at me.
The next day.
"Oh Allah I am going to be so late," I rush with myself to get ready, I completely forgot about the party today. I pick out a dress from my closet which I never wore before and put it on (picture above). My makeup didn't turn out that bad considering I was in a rush. I guess years of wasting makeup, practising when i am bored does pay off.
I pick out a black hijab to go with my long black and gold dress. I put on black heels. Hopefully I don't fall over and break a bone cuz that will be tragic.
Zara is supposed to be going to the party also because her father is also a Business men. She came over an hour ago, flirting with Zaid. I am not even sure if he is ready yet.
I finish after 15 more mins and slowly make my way down. Where Zaid, Zara, and Nina were all waiting. Nina comes up to me and gives me a hug.
"You look lovely dear...have fun," she says as she placed a small kiss on my cheek. I love her. She treats me so well. I smile at her.
I nervously look up at Zaid who was looking at me. I felt like I was melting under his gaze, my face turned red and I felt my stomach tangle. He was dressed in a tux, ( picture above) his hair was in quiff as usual, he took my breath away.
Zara on the other hand, was giving me the dirtiest looks like she was about to jump at me. I tried not to laugh. She looked so mad.
"Shall we go?" I ask in a soft voice. Zaid doesn't move.
"Let's go," Zara says. She shakes Zaid who's eyes were still on mine.
"Huh?..oh...ah yea..le..lets go," he stutters. I found it cute.
We arrive at the party where many people all dressed up were already gathered. The party took place at a rented hall with a huge ballroom. It looked so majestic and beautiful with the gold and red decorations. A big chocolate fountine was placed right in the middle and a all you can eat buffet to the right.
As soon as we enter, people starts coming up to Zaid and greeting him. In the corner, some girls were staring at him like he was some kind of sweet. I roll my eyes. Zara walks up to them and gives each of them a hug. They then all start looking his way and starts giggling.
Of course.
"Nadia, what a pleasant surprise seeing you here," someone says. I turn around to find Keif looking at me with a unsettling smile. I immediately felt uncomfortable.
"You look beautiful," he says.
"Thank you," I replie back. We are at a public place where cameras are and so I have to act nice because I don't want to do anything that might be bad for Zaid.
"Would you like for me to get you a drink?," he asks. I look back to see where Zaid is but he seemed busy talking to someone. I turn back to look at Keif.
"Umm no thank you, I am ok," i reply. I look around to see if there is anyway I can escape but everyone was busy with their own things.
"Oh come on...its a party, relex and enjoy," Before I could say anything, he grabs my arm. I try to free myself.
"Please let go of me," I say, struggling to get away from his grip. I look back to see Zaid a little closer to where I am standing. I was about to call out his name when someone stood in front of him, blocking my view of him.
"Oh come on darling," Keif says with a evil smile. His hand now moved from my arm down to my waist. Not being able to take it anymore, I raise my hand and slap him. It was so loud, almost everyone turned to look at our way. The whole hall got quite as they closed in to watch the drama.
"YOU CRAZY WOMEN, HOW DARE YOU?" He raised his hand in anger. I close my eyes tightly, waiting for it to hit me but a minute passed and nothing happened. I slowly open my eyes to find Zaid standing in between me and Keif.
" your...dirty shity hands on her," he says with so much anger in his voice.
"Her?...that piece of shit is nothing more than a maid to you, why did you even marry her huh? Because you can't take care of yourself?," Keif snaps. The next thing I saw was Zaids hand form into a fist about to hit Keif straight on the face. Before he does anything I hold on to his arm.
"You can't do that here, I have already caused enough," he pushes Keif back and turns around to look at me.
"YOU! IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF YOU! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO RUIN EVERYTHING. WHY CAN'T YOU JUST GO AWAY FROM MY LIFE. YOU USELESS PIECE OF SHIT MEAN NOTHING TO ME. I DONT CARE ABOUT YOU, JUST TAKE YOUR ASS SOMEWHERE ELSE AND SPARE ME, PLEASE! JUST GET OUT. I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE EVER AGAIN. NEVER. GO AWAY." He screams at me. I was stunted. Tears were rolling down my cheeks. Hearing him say those words hurt me more than anything ever had before in my whole life. My heart was beating so fast.
I turn around and run toward the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind me. I was crying uncontrollably.
I hate everything.
Why is it always me.
After what seemed like an hour i gathered some confidence and walked out of the bathroom. There were still some people who were giving me looks. Ignoring them, I make my way toward the exit door. Just as I reached it. BOOM! a loud explosion shook the hall and i was thrown off my feet and landed few feets away. I turn back, my heart racing to see, everything on fire. People were running all over the place trying to escape. Chaos was everywhere.
Someone had planted a bomb somewhere in this room and it had defused. The only thing on my mind?
This is a pretty long chapter right?...hope you like it. Enjoy, comment, like,vote and share. Thanks for the support
Love y'all
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Contract To Your Heart
RomanceTHIS STORY IS COMPLETED And EDITED. It is every girls dream to have a prince in their life who will treat them like a princess.Nadia is the same. She always dreamed of marrying someone who will love her but what happens when she is forced to marry a...