Chapter 37

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I wake up to my alarm ringing. I groan as I check the time which read 7 o'clock. I have woken earlier to pray fajr and then went back to bed because I wanted to get in as much sleep as I could so I won't be tired the whole day.

I slowly climb out of the comfort of my warm bed and walk into the bathroom.

I go into my closet and look through my clothes. Trying to find something nice to wear i pick out one piece after another and throw them around my room, after awhile getting frustrated because nothing looked right. I drop down on my bed and look around at my messy room.

" gave yourself a job before you even started the day," I say to myself.

My stomach growls.

I look to check the time again and all of a sudden is 9 o'clock. Men how did that even happen?

"Dammit, I swear it was just 7...i gotta hurry or Imma be late, what to wear what to wear,"

I don't even know why I am so worried about dressing nice and then I remembered. Zaid. I am supposed to meet him today. Very quickly, my hungry stomach is replaced with tangles now. Am I nervous? Of course I am! I am going to see him after 2 freaking weeks and that's hell of a long time for me.

Finally, I decide on a white shirt that says " Legit Hijabi" and I throw on a black cardigan over that. I put on a pair of black jeans and a black chiffon hijab with flats since I can barely walk on heels.

Well, I am not the best at fashion but I think this will do for today. I decided to go with comfort with hint of style. After all, feeling comfortable in what I am wearing is what I look for rather than what I wear.

I finish off my makeup with a coat of mascara. There. That should do. I check myself on the mirror again just to make sure.

Stop it. Who cares what he thinks. I don't care. Do I? Oh my god. OF COURSE I CARE.


Standing in front of the huge building I breath in once. I look at the entrance afraid to take another step. I nervously wait for another 5 minutes trying to suck in some courage. I take a deep breath and walk inside. The cold air inside hit my face like a wave. Due to the extreme heat outside, it felt good.

People were walking around, all busy with their own little tasks. I walk toward the elevator but then stop myself.

No I can't take the elevator, he might be in there since he makes rounds around the company at this time.

So I walk toward the stairs. Dad's office is on the third floor so it will not be a struggle to walk up the stairs. Flats come in handy when you least expect it huh?

I knock on the door once I reach it, checking behind me once in awhile to make sure Zaid is nowhere in sight.

"Come in..." Dad's voice speaks from inside. I slowly open the door and find Dad setting on the huge chair. There was another chair across from dad, the back of the chair was facing me so I can't see the face of the person sitting on it. I clear my throat.

"Salam," I say. As soon as I speak, the chair across from dad spins around so fast and sitting there, to my shock was Zaid. My jaw drop and stare at him in surprise. Ok I was not expecting to meet him this moment.

He too, seemed very surprised to see me. We look into each others eyes. My eyes were filling up with tears so i blink few times and then look down. I can feel his eyes on me. Burning.

I look up at him again. His jaw was sat, and he had no expression on his face what so ever, but his eyes told a different story. An emotion I have never seen it expected from him was jumping out at me. A hint of sadness and hurt. His light brown eyes seemed glossy.

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