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Hey guys, above is a picture I drew, not my best drawing because I was rushing...but I love how it turned out, I was just listening to music and then that happened LOOOL. I thought it might go well with this chapter with all the heart break and stuff. Some DEEP stuff. LMAO😂😂😂😂


"Wake up soon..." I whisper to Zaid.

"Its been 3 days and you have not once left that same spot," the nurse says to me. She came in to check on Zaid. "Shows how much you love him,"

I smile at her and then look back at Zaid.

"Of course...he is my husband, my first know...there is many things I wanted to do with him, go on dates, amusement parks, to far away places as vacations...but I guess none of those were destined to happen to me," I speak to her. She smiles at me.

"I am sure after he wakes up, you will be able to do all that," with that she picks up the stuff and walks out of the room.

" no, I wont...dont be sad when you wake up and find me gone," I say to the sleeping Zaid. He still had the oxygen mask on. I rest my head against his hand and sob.

Knowing that I will not be by his side any longer breaks my heart. I feel like after this I will never be able to forgive myself. I chose money over him but I had to it. I had no other choice. But what hurts me the most is that I will not be able to hear his voice any longer. Yea he annoyed me but now that I think about it, something about the way he looked at me and talked to me made me fall for him harder than I imagined. His touch. His touch, every inch of it made my heart jump and those are the touches I am craving the most right now. He is laying in front of me, yet there is noone to annoy me, talk to me. He is laying in front of me yet he does not know the condition he is in and all of this is all because of me. ALL BECAUSE OF ME!

"I am really really sorry...please Wake up," I softly shake him but there is no hope.



" Uh I will take a cup of coffee please," I tell the women behind the counter. I wait for my coffee just as my phone rang. It was Zaroon, Zaids manager.

"Ms.Nadia, I have very good news for you, sir has gained consciousness," those words made me feel like I was dreaming. He is awake? He is ok!

Forgetting about my coffee, I run outside where Zaroon was waiting. I quickly climb in.

"How did you know?" I ask him, as he starts the car.

"I just got a call from the hospital and thought I might let you know,"

"Thank you so much...and Please drive fast."

Soon enough, we arrive at the hospital. I get out of the car as fast I could and head to the 3rd floor. They shifted him to a better room so I had to ask the lady at the desk about it. I run toward the room she told me.

The door was wide open. Mom, dad and the doctor was inside. I was about to head in, when I stop in my track.

"You will leave without a word and never come back,"

Dad's voice came back to me. I quickly hide by the door so they won't notice I was there.

"How are you feeling?" The Doctor asks him.

"Fine," Zaids voice filled my ear. I felt so happy inside to hear it once again. It sounded weak.

"He will be fine, but just make sure not to put too much pressure in his mind because he can go into shock again because of that and he will have to be careful of his movements," the doctor walks out. Luckily he did not notice me.

"Oh my poor son, how weak you have become," I heard mom say.

"Where is Nadia,"

I am surprised to hear I am the first person that came out of his mouth. I had the urge to go in and hug him tightly and tell him how much I love him. I close my eyes and lean my head against the wall, trying hard to keep myself together.

"Where is Nadia?" He asks again. This time louder.

"Look don't think too much...i am sure she is here somewhere, like the doctor said, you should be careful, your not perfectly stable yet," mom assures him.

"But I want to see her,"

"Listen to your mom," Dad says to him sternly.

"You told her something DID-" he stops in the middle of the sentence as if he is in pain. My heart hurt like hell. I wanted to run and tell him I am here.

"Take rest," dad says.

Zaid speaks no more.

I can hear mom and dad's footsteps head my way so I quickly wipe away my tears and walk away from the room before they notice me.

I am sorry Zaid but I have to go. Waiting and taking care of you until you are awake was my goal. My job here is done.

Hey y'all here you goooo...a new chapter, hope you like it (love it) and let me know please because I love hearing feedbacks so comment, like, share and vote and please tell your friends about this book so they can enjoy it with you, it might not be the best book but this is my first time writing on wattpad and I am trying my best so stay with me here. THANK YOU SO MUCH AND I LOVE YOU ALWAYS.

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