Chapter 29

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Few days later

Zaid and zara have been hanging out alot together, he kind of has no choice considering how clingy she is.

I head downstairs for breakfast and find Zaid, eating. He looks up at me as I sit. Nina comes with a plate of food but I don't feel like eating.

"Umm actually I am not feeling well Nina, I have a really bad headache so I don't think I will be able to eat," I say. I take a cup of water and gulp it down. I then stand up and walk back to my room. Zaid does not have work today so I don't have to follow him around today. I didn't want to, because the more I see him the more I think about how just in few days we will be separated.

I take out a book and start fliping through because my mind just won't focus on the words. Not knowing what else to do, I get up to pray. Allah always makes me feel better.

I finish just as theres a knock on my door.

"Nina, I am not hungry," I call out. Another knock comes. I go to open the door to tell her that I really am not hungry and that I am fine.

"Nina-" I stop. Standing in front of me was not Nina, it was Zaid.

I stop breathing. He never came to my room and I mean never, for anything.

"May I come in?" He asks. I nod. I couldn't say anything. I move out of the way to let him in.

"I came to tell you that we have party to attend tomorrow, be ready by 5." He looks around my room looking at things. He stops in front of the picture of my parents. He reached for but before he could touch it, I grabbed it and hugged it to my chest.

"This is my personal thing," I say to him coldly. He nods.

"Your parents?" He asks.

"Yea," I say looking down at the picture.

"My parents were never really there for me," he says, looking sad.

Woah what happened to him??

"What do you mean?...they love you alot!" I tell him.

"No...they love their jobs,"

"Parents are parents...they love you even if they might not show it, your lucky you always have them,"

"They always want their way...they never listen to me, or what I want," he says.

"Like how they forced you to marry me?" I ask.

He doesn't say anything for a long time but I can feel his eyes on me.

"That's not what I meant..." He starts

"Look you don't have to say anything...i know you have something going on with Zara and want to be with her, but don't worry you will get your way, in just few more days, I am sorry I can't leave sooner," I say. I felt so hurt and my heart was paining me but I had to say it.

" that's what you think," I look up at him. His eyes looked sad, not like cold as usual and he ran a hand through his hair. " yea maybe you are know what...what you think is right...believe that," he walks up to me and places some headache pills on my hand. He then storms out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him.

I sink down on the floor, the pills still in my hand.

Ok finally done with a new chapter, hope y'all enjoy and lemme know how it is. Vote, comment and share. Feedbacks always inspire me. Thanks
Love yall

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