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The next morning, I wake up early and take a shower to freshen myself off. As I walk out of the bathroom, I bump into a hard chest. I look up to see the still sleepy Zaid.

What he said yesterday came back to me and i started feeling the anger raise up my vain.

"Watch where your going asshole," I say to him. I decided that I didn't want to be pushed around by him. If he wanted to make my life hell then I will do the same. For so long I kept quite and tried to control myself but I realized that its not gonna get me anywhere. He thinks of me as a toy then i will make myself the worst toy he ever had or played with.

Zaid looks down at me and rubs his eyes.

"Arghh, the mosquito started buzzing already," he says with a annoyed voice.

I cross my arms over my chest and give him a hard look.

"Look who is talking...back at it again with your asshole side arnt you," i say. He looks at me for a long time and then yawns.

"i see your back with your annoying side," he says

"And thats the only side your gonna see," i reply.

He laughs. " we are acting smart now arnt we?" he says, he closes in on me until my back is against the closed bathroom door.

Ok now i am scared.

No no...Nadia control your face..dont let him see weakness.

" Now you Listen to me...i dont know what your getting at but you better behave yourself," He says, his face few inches away from mine.

" what do i look like to you?...a little kid?...say what you want but from now on i control my own life...and now if you are done being an ass, i think you have more important things to do like take care of your breath," i say and with that i push him aside by the chest and walk out of the room. I let out the breath i was holding in this whole time.

His breath was fine but i just needed to say something and thats the best i could do, because his closeness was blocking any thoughts from entering my head. I remember his surprised face as I walked out. I pat myself on the back.

You did great Nadia.

2 days later.

I walk into the nearby cafe to get myself something. After 3 hours of being at the library looming through random stuff and being bored, I wanted to treat myself. I am weird that way.

I get myself two donuts and a chocolate bar. Chocolate is my life and I can do anything for it. Why cut a bitch for a guy when you can do it for a chocolate because I am pretty sure chocolates are not asshole airheads.

As I was taking a bite from my donut, someone grabs my chocolate bar, rips open the wrapper in a second and shoves it into their mouth. I look up wide eyed at the king of all kind of jerk and asshole himself,the oh so great Zaid who just stole my life from me. Before I can do anything, he grabs my second donut and devours that in a second too.

Talk about a rude asshole!

"You-what-you-MY CHOCOLATE!" I yell. I can feel some of the people's eyes on us but i didn't care, I can cut a bitch right now.

You never ...NEVER mess with a girl and her chocolate.

" was just a piece of chocolate, " he says like he did nothing wrong and plops down on the seat across from me.

" JUST A PIECE OF CHOCOLATE??!!! OK now you crossed the line, that is straight up disrespectful to me, you better make up for it," I say with my arms crossed, still mad.

" someone has PMS," he says under his breath.

" you did not just say that," I say and stand up ready to jump at him. He stands up too and holds up his hands on either side of his face.

" OK OK ...fine, I will buy you another on-,"

" to make up for the donut also," I cut him off. He just shakes his head and walks way to buy me more chocolate. I happily sit down.

" here crazy lady," Zaid says and hands me two chocolate bars and then he takes a seat across from me again.

Well that's odd.

" need something?" I say after a few minutes of watching him studying me with a blank expression as I munched on my food.

" earth to the airhead," I wave my hand in front of his face. Him looking at me for some reason, now made me more annoyed than uncomfortable. I am surprised at my sudden change of behavior.

"What-?!...oh yea...I came here to say we are going out sight seeing tomorrow. Just us two... I am bored of the usual things and want to have a normal day," he says.

" really!?...that will be so much fun," I say with excitement. I have never been to a foreign country before this trip and I want to see and the make the best of it.

" don't get too excited...I am only bringing you along because your job is to protect me...I have better people I could have brought along, but I am more important, " Zaid replies.

Ouch that hurt...his selfish self just can't get enough of himself.

Way to burn my happiness Zaid.

He looks at me for few minutes and bursts out laughing. " Oh my god...did you think I was asking you on a date or something? Oh god, you should have seen your face, you little innocent you and your dreamland," he teases still laughing like something is actually funny.

" ha ha ha so funny I forgot to laugh," I say with a sarcastic laugh making sure he caught the sarcasm. " As If!!!!...I got better things to do than spend my time thinking about a selfless jerk who don't care about me," I snap at him. He is really getting on my last nerve. Zaid stops laughing and his face darkens. He stands up and just walks out of the cafe just like that.

What happened to him?

I ignore it and go back to enjoying my food. The thought of tomorrow made me smile.

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