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"John, you mind giving me a hand?" I wait for him to get of his phone and walk over to me.
"Sure thing...where would you like it to be?" I point at the blue painted wall.
"It will nice over there dont ya think?" I ask.
"How ever you like it" John replied with a smile. He walks over to the wall with a ladder and hangs the huge banner up. I smile up at how beautiful it looks.
Just then my phone rings and i hurry to pick it up.

"Hey Adam how is it working out?" I ask as i look around examining if there was anything else that required attention. "He is in the bathroom...i think two more hour here will be enough right?"

"It will be perfect...just please get him in the suit some how before you guys head over to the venue."

"Will do!.. see you then" he says and hangs up.

I look around the venue one last time to make sure everything was in place and perfect. I smile to myself.
Today will go great hopefully
"Looks like we are done here Nadia.." John states. "I am sure he will love it!"

"Oh he deff will...this place looks sick!! We did great i would say." Mia responds.

I laugh. "Yes Mia, i would say so too..i just hope nothing goes wrong." I tell my collage friend Mia.

"Dont sweat it..just go get ready and look fireeee for you man tonight." She winks at me.

"You harami!" I laugh,slapping her lightly on the shoulder. "Alright meet you guys back here later," i wave goodbye as i head out.


I sit in front of my mirror, touching up my makeup to ensure it looked flawless for tonight.

" the shoes," i look at the red high heels and frown. Lets hope i don't break some bones tonight.

Ding ding
I pick up my phone to see a text notification. I open it to read the text.

"Headed to the venue,"

I smile and quickly grab the shoes and walk out to my car.

"Here it goes"

Zaids POV

"Dude what is this none-sense?" I say to Adam.

"Come on bro...put it on...i told you we are gonna take some sick photos with my new camera "

"Listen, i know you like photography...but really? Why me."

"Cut the bs man, just hurry...we might miss out on some hot chicks at the park,"

" i dont know if you know but i am hella married," i say.

"Hurry the fuck up dude, we are getting late."

I hurry into the bathroom and change into the tux Adam handed me. He told me to help him with some photoshoot but i didn't know i was gonna be the model. I fix my hair and even out the white shirt and then put on the black suit with a tie.

I pick up my phone to see if i had received any text from Nadia. I frown looking down at our chat.

Left on read huh?
I wonder if she forgot today is my birthday
I will deal with you later.

"Bro where are we? Some typpa wedding?" I ask looking out the window of his car at a building that seems to look like a venue.

"You will see," he says. Something seems really fishy.

We walk into the venue to find it completely dark. I wait for eyes to adjust. Just then, a bright screen turned on in front of my eyes. I watch as pictures from my childhood flashed on the screen. Me playing with toys, me sitting in bed reading my comic books, me 3 years old sitting on my moms lap, my first day at school, my first time riding a horse, me swimming. I watched as one picture after another make on to the screen and then disappeared. I zoned out for a bit and had flaskbacks of those moments. Those moments when mom and dad were with me. Moments before they got busy and had forgotten all about me. Tears build up in the corner of my eyes as my mom and dads picture flash on the screen.

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