Chapter 8

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I feel someone shaking my shoulder. I open my eyes a little and groan.

" 5 more minutes please," i say in a sleepy voice.

" take your whole life if you wont be my fault if you get raped by some psychopath," A deep voice answers me. Fear immediately takes over and my eyes open wide.

I saw Zaid walking away. I quickly get myself out of the car and follow him.

A huge mansion stood in front of me. Wow filthy rich? There were so many windows, i lost count. The huge door that led inside was wide open and glowing golden light was coming from inside. Different kinds of flowers lined along the walkway to the house. I was so astonished by what i was seeing that i became oblivious to what i was stepping on.

Suddenly, my foot stepped on something round and i lost my balance. I fell forward. I close my eyes tightly and expected to hit the floor but instead my head landed on something else.

I slowly open my eyes, afraid to see what was in front of me. Zaid was laying there, under me. I look into his light brown and they looked into mine. I came back to my senses after what seemed like a long time.

" i am so sorry," i say. I quickly stand back up and straighten myself. He seemed to be as shocked as i was.

Argg...i think he is mad at me.

" i am so so sorry," i apologise again.

" how are you going to protect me if you yourself cant handle walking properly," he says.

" i am sorry...i wasnt looking where i was going an-,"

" whatever...just shut up and lets go inside...," and with that he walks inside.

Once inside, the house is even bigger, there where two huge stairs that both led upstairs and a huge golden chandelier hung from the high ceiling. Then a women appears. She is dressed in uniform.

" hello Sir and madam Nadia," she greets us.

Madam Nadia?

Well thats new.

" you know my name?" i ask surprised. The women lets out a soft laugh.

" of course she does dumbass...she is the freaking house keeper, Nina." Zaid answers.


All i did was ask a question.

" first of all, it is nice to meet you, Nina," i say looking at Nina and then i glare at Zaid. " and second of all, i am not a dumbass, if anything, i am smarter than you," i snap at him. Nina lets out a laugh.

" there will be plenty of time for you guys to argue, but for now please freshen up," Nina says. Zaid gives me a look as if to say, i will get you back. He then walks away.

" what is his problem?" i ask Nina who gave me a big smile.

" lets forget about him and tell me about you madam Nadia," Nina says.

" please do call me Nadia ," i say with a smile.

" ok seem like a sweet girl," she says. I can tell, i will like her.

" thank you,"

" we will talk later you must be tired. come let me show your room," she says leading upstairs. She stops in front of a door and mentions for me to go in.

" see you in the morning,Nadia," she says before leaving. I walk into a huge room with a big window and a wide balcony. There was a big bed right in the middle of the room and a mirror right next to it. I realised i was still wearing my wedding dress and was about to strip down when the bathroom door opens and Zaid walks out. He stoped in his track and looks at me surprised. He was shirtless and his 6 pack were showing. My face burned red and i quickly turn around, covering my eyes.

" what are you doing here?" he asks.

" what do you think?...its my room," i say.

" your room?...this is my room so get your ass out right now," he yells.

" what is your problem? jerk...its our wedding night for god sake," i snap back at him. He looks out of word , then his lips formed into a smirk.

Oh shit..what is he thinking?.

Zaid walks toward me and i walk back.

" oh so thats what you want?...ok fine...since it is our wedding night...i will give you the best time," he comes closer to me and grabs my arm. I am scared now. I struggle to free myself.

" oh sweetheart, how are we supposed to have fun if you are going to struggle like that," he says and pushes me backward and i land on the bed.

" please stop," i say.

This is not what i meant when i said it was our wedding night.

" what?.. isnt this what you wanted, babe?" Zaid replies with an evil smirk. He gets on top of me and pins my arm down on either side of me.

" n- no," i reply. His lip was only an inch away from mine. I closed my eyes tightly. But nothing happened. I open my eyes to see him looking at me in a daze. After few seconds he snaps out of it and moves away from me.

" get out...your room is the next one," he says and walks back into the bathroom. I just sat there, shocked.

What just happened?

I have to get out of here.

I hurry out of the room and go into the next one. I lock the door behind me and sink down in the bed. My heart was beating a thousand mile an hour.

Damn he is scary.

No. I cant be scared of him. Its my job to protect him and get over with this deal as soon as possible so i am can save our business.

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